joy and connection

I have a powerful connection to dolphins, they bring such joy to my heart. In 1995 I believe a pod of dolphins may have literally saved my life when I became separated from the boat, and over 5 hours away from land. I was snorkeling suddenly alone on the vast tumultuous seas. The dolphins stayed with me over an hour until I was found, entertaining me and supporting me in not panicking. The picture on my timeline is of one of my friends who supported me so joyously, still, brings tears to my eyes. What does this have to do with anything? It is about joy.
This week another amazing shift. I realized my professional work rests on a foundation of the Remembrance of our True Nature yet most of my time working with clients is focused on self-love and ego unraveling. The Remembrance is implicit and spoken of but not the prime focus. I believed I had to support the ego unraveling FIRST. Something I hear Nouk Sanchez say combined with something my friend Lawrence said stopped me in my tracks. I wondered if I could do both simultaneously. I find most clients leave after I support them in the ego unraveling so we never get to spend much time in totally exiting the ego thought system. So I asked myself how I could possibly help clients wake up FROM the dream rather than within the dream. Long story short, I had a new client and without a clue HOW to do it decided to give it a whirl. Ok kids, here is where the miracle unfolded.
In the past, I have periodically gotten nudges, intuitions, guidance that was clearly coming from beyond me. It used to be kind of radical, like turn your car around, go to this place and then wait and see what happens. For a time it was go to a certain coffee shop every Thursday and await a miracle. Things like that. But in this session it was a very clear, detailed, radical instruction on how to proceed integrating ego AND letting go of the egoic thought system at the same time. I was like are you really sure about this? This is a bit out scary with a first time client. YUP! So I proceeded with excellent results. Yet the trippy part for me was the instructions were not coming from a cloud, an amorphous non entity. Rather it was coming from SOMEONE, some BEING. For the first time I felt as I was connecting with a specific being, not just a field of energy. IT blew my heart open. In my JUdeo-Christian tradition, based on my work with books like “A Course in Miracles,” I would say I had a direct interaction with the Holy Spirit. No disrespect but HOLY SHIT! We are not in Kansas anymore. It blew my heart wide open and I have not been the same since.
It has been all well and good for me to get powerful and effective intuitions but I always envied those people who would HEAR directly. For me it is about relationship and it now feels personal, alive, something to really connect with. I can’t put it in words but it is good.
I was lamenting how I have known such peace yet I wondered if my heart would ever connect to more frequent joy, something that has eluded me almost all my life. Yet my life purpose is to be an emissary for the Universal awakening of unconditional Love AND joy. So I felt a bit gyped I wasn’t feeling much joy while I am totally grateful for the peace. Since this experience my heart feels so tender to others, so open. I find people so incredibly endearing. And an added bonus, people are being extraordinarily generous with me, showering me with abundance. What a ride! May we all be blessed knowing this direct connection with our Source.

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