happy Equinox

Happy Equinox beloveds. Enjoying a bit of a breather as my body has been relatively relaxed for some days with occasional storms of tension. Despite all the uproar this month, I remain grateful to be alive in this epoch time of change. When I think back to the uptight, relatively closed off, anxious, in many ways lost woman I was twenty years ago, whoa, so much appreciation to live through these times where the move to love is more possible, more urgent then ever. I feel such compassion for my ancestors, for my parents where to create a shift in one’s heart, one’s consciousness was hardly a possibility and seemed reserved for the few. When I worked exclusively as a therapist in the late 90’s, my favorite client cleared one big issue after a year of weekly sessions. Now when I work with people , it is generally 10-12 sessions and we co-create far greater shifts, freedom, spaciousness and love then used to occur in a year’s work. I have visited some incredibly dark, primitive even primal spaces within and it was SCARY yet I have also felt my heart loosen, my judgments fade to almost nothing, my compassion encompass the globe. My two biggest shifts are to now adore myself, no matter what and to be in harmony with a very strong willed daughter whose personality is polar opposite to mine. I adore how when there is conflict, it is like two ducks shaking it off, within minutes the storm blows over where it used to take hours if not days. Yup, these are intense times for sure and my heart breaks when I see those close to me crack and fall under the pressure yet my deepest wish is that we all crack open and fall back into the Love that we have alway been and simply forgotten.

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