miracles of abundance

I begin each day affirming I am abundant, trusting and Innocent, my qualities for this year. Then the next morning I take note of how all of these qualities showed up for me the previous day. Today I have a big one in the area of abundance. I have been looking for a web person locally as the woman who developed my site lives on the East coast. I was having a very hard time finding anyone. Either no one returned my call, or they were no longer taking new clients, or they had moved, didn’t have the proper expertise and so on. I was getting discouraged and was about to give up when I remembered to command the energies. So I saw myself finding the perfect person. I then had to stop by the church where I am giving my next series of classes. The woman mentioned her son had just won an award for computer programing! But he lived in Indiana. No matter, that led to a discussion of people who work with computers and they gave me a lead to a computer center. I tried numerous emails of the organization they suggested and all bounced back. At one point I actually gave up and said, O.K., I’ll compromise and work with someone at a distance but that choice too had changed so it was no longer feasible. So I finally called a number where a woman  actually answered. When I told her what I needed she said something like, “Well that would be me.” She changed my photo on the site immediately, something I especially wanted done as the other photo was almost three years old. I asked her if I should send her a check for changing the photo as she said everything she’d done took half an hour. She said whoa! wait until I do something and then she backed up and upgraded everything, my primary concern. She had told me at the beginning she liked to support people whose work she found useful and appreciated. So when she was done she said it had not taken her long only about an hour and it was complementary! Holy cow, that is abundance!

Last week someone took me out for a gorgeous meal unexpectedly. I donated a session to my daughter’s school and now it seems the woman will sign up for a big series and so on. I am just saying the energies of creation are available in a whole new way. Dive in, celebrate whatever arises and let the good times roll. O.K., after the last dunking, might be a bit premature but I’m just saying we are on the cusp of magic.

4 Replies to “miracles of abundance”

  1. ……I often feel v sensitive & tday I focused on the sacred geometry by janosh.com of vulnerability. I often put on a happy face. So I sat & sank deeper in my shame of feeling so sensitive. (and these words came to me…)
    Does a flower feel ashamed of being delicate soft sensitive? Does a rose petal feel that it is too delicate too soft too sensitive…? No of course not. A flower is beautiful because of its softness. A flower may be crushed in this world but it is still a flower. Nothing can change that.
    T Downunder

    • Dear Tish,
      I’m also highly sensitive – tho not very psychic. If you can find them, you might be interested to read books by Elaine Aron. She’s a psychiatrist who is also sensitive – the term she uses is HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) and has done a lot of work on the subject.

      Your analogy with flowers/rose petals is beautiful! But it sure can be hard to live with sometimes in a world that mostly doesn’t value that quality. (My mother had little patience with it.) Some do, though; Chinese culture comes to mind.

      No shame!!

      • I believe anyone interested in my blog/web site is most likely exceptionally sensitive; yea for us, the love revolutionaries! I’ve read a few books on HSP and it ain’t been easy for sure but I am convinced our day is coming. I always think of the Bible verse where it speaks of the meek (sensitive) inheriting the earth and also speaks of the last being first and the first, last. I say that is us. I know for sure our contribution is IMMENSE.

  2. I use to feel like a freak because I was so sensitive. Now I love my sensitivity (most of the time) as I recognize how many gifts it gives me. Yes, it has been a journey. An Osho video helped me.
    It was this one https://vimeo.com/665300
    It seems there may be others from Osho about it too including https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTSscKi1mxY
    I couldn’t get first one to play but for sure is right one; this one may be same one, my body won’t let me listen to it right now. So seeing you move past this ridiculous shame we all share. xoxoxox

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