Releasing expectations and walking the way Home

Darlings, as I contemplate the wonders of 2014 I stand in awe of our courage and tenacity in taking on this global ascension game, certainly not for the faint of heart! This has been a break through year for me; on Facebook I declared it the year of my rebirth. It has been the year I moved into my long yearned for goal of self love, the year I learned to surrender so much, the year I let go of much of my control patterns. I sense 2015 will be a whole new chapter with more grace and flow. Yet I realize a note of caution may be necessary. I had a friend put a lot of energy on the solstice, expecting miracles and fireworks and was severely let down when that did not occur. All of this occurs according to our personal timelines and relative to how much of the inner work we have completed releasing our personal obstacles. It is not manna from heaven distributed far and wide. We must find our way to it. Yet again there is paradox. We do not earn it, we remember it. It is not about brow beating and lamenting, it is about clearing out all the ways we forgot our own magnificence. Sounds easy but requires great courage as the cellular debris can kick up quite a storm as it releases. It has been a tricky balance for me to learn how to best support others in the their return to wholeness now we are in 5D. A lot of the heavy grind work of 3D is not required. Yet we must still feel in our bodies the fear, hatred, depression, anxiety when it arises without repressing or expressing it in order to let it merely flow through us. Emotion is meant to be energy in motion yet we have been conditioned to clamp down on it, to ignore or avoid it hoping it will go away. I sense the possibilities of 2015 after we have stopped calling ourselves names, listing our faults. I agree wholeheartedly with Matt Kahn, it is more effective to notice our goodness, list all our attributes, blanket our patterns and conditioning that have there own momentum with loving kindness rather then endlessly digging into out faults. It is so simple but not so easy to allow all the scarcity and pressure of the incubation phase to be present without making it mean there is something wrong with us. We are just alive on the planet now releasing all the old patterns that no longer serve. How to feel that energy in our bodies without making up a story of deficiency or inadequacy, ah, not the easiest thing in the world. Yet we are up to it. It is doable in a new way and we are fortunate to live at this time in history rather then in prior eras when only the few found their way to freedom. Yet sweethearts, do not compare yourself as I so often did, beating yourself up for being on a different timeline then another. Each of us is in the perfect place at the perfect time. The hardest part of me probably was building up the courage and strength to hold when the deepest charges emerged from the murk of inner demons, ancient conditioning and karma. It took training, support, faith. If you feel you need help in facing your deepest fears, do not be afraid to ask for it. The Universe is generous and gives us what we need when we ask for it with faith. Beloveds we got this. Find what you need to hold you as you clear what needs to be released. For me The Course in Miracles and Way of Mastery were invaluable. I do not recommend the The Course in Miracles necessarily as it is quite a commitment but Matery is much more accessible. I also have a list of resources and tools here on the site. Perhaps the hardest part for me was learning to surrender and allow the grace and flow of the Universe to carry me to my own freedom, through choppy waters and dark days, holding in faith that I would not only survive but thrive, not taking it personally that you incubation phase of this game created so much pressure, tension, scarcity on so many levels. It merely was how the game needed to be played, not something I was doing wrong. May you see your own beauty, whatever arises knowing it is only mud needed to be cleared away to reveal the magnificence beneath.

I wish you and yours all the best for the new year. May we enter this new beginning with open hearts, incredible faith and the certainty that all is well.

These predictions for 2014 speak to what I am referring to, I’d say same applies for 2015:

The Eye of the Needle

The ‘Eye of the Needle’ that I have referred to many times is from the Bible, Matthew 19:24, which says ‘It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.’ I believe that the reference to a ‘rich man’ is a mistranslation and it should be ‘burdened man’. The burdens here simply refer to karma, guilt, shame, and anything that burdens us, which also refers to pain from the past.

It is impossible for us to pass through the narrow portals into higher dimensions, which are karma free, when we are carrying the burdens of the past. We have spent much of 2012 and 2013, releasing these burdens. We will have additional assistance this year in letting go of even more of our limitations so we can fit through these dimensional portals.

Nothing is done in violation of our free will, which is always in effect, even though it sometimes feels like we have no choice in matters. 2013 was a year that challenged us to acknowledge, experience, embrace, and transform some of our most difficult life lessons, so we can enter a Multidimensional path unencumbered by the burdens of the past. This is one area we are still working on and that will continue through 2014.

We do not have to consciously experience all of our pain, although we can do that if we want to, this is the difficult path. The easier path is to choose, as things come up, whether we will allow ourselves to follow that path or to choose another one. 2014 is a year of revolving doors, as things leave other things are waiting to take their place. Remember that what you want to get rid of is just as anxious to leave. New light, energies, people and situations are ready to enter into the spaces you are creating for them as you release more dense energy from your life…

…This year, 2014, will not be as hard as 2013 was and I am going to qualify that by saying it will not be as hard for those who have done their work and are ready to move into the next levels of their lives. Those who have not yet even begun this path are going to experience some problems but, if they are committed to their evolution, expansion, and transformation, they will be able to jumpstart the process, thanks to the work that we have been doing in the last decade.

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