loving what is and adoring our inner children- new photos and video

IMG_1358Holy Cow kids, this being on planet earth right now is no cake walk. Mama Mia! I don’t know about you but I feel like for almost a month I have been only semi functional, so exhausted I was practically sleep walking and had a constant feeling of low or high tension in my body, formerly known as the “a” word, anxiety which as you know if you been reading me for a while is not a term I am comfortable with for the way it pulls in a whole history of conditioning. I woke up  5ish this morning but as the day has gone on I notice I am merely tired, not exhausted, I can actually think and so far I can also type, my eyes can stay open and my body is actually relaxed, miracle, celebration, gratitude! What a freakin’ ride, right?!?

O.K. here is what I know for sure as I got some lessons pounded into me last week. In order for me to survive what I experience as great intensity I have to stay in the moment, I can’t go to the past or the future. I had to big time let go of the beliefs that this would never end, that I would always feel so tired, that the “a” word would continue to increase until my nervous system fried or my body exploded or I had a nervous breakdown. I had to just let it be energy in my body, doing whatever it was doing. I threw in a few uplifting thoughts like: crimeny, this must be really blasting us into the stratosphere of being powerful co-creators; if it feels this intense it must be totally rewiring me at the cellular level into a super woman; I wonder what magical powers are being downloaded into me right now; how exciting to be alive right now; I wonder what miracles are occurring with all this new energy and so on. And seriously, I cannot go two seconds into the future wondering what is coming down the pike, how long things will last, how I will be able to function when I need to, how I will even get out of bed! Nope, those are all no no thoughts. And guess what, it worked! So yes, it was very uncomfortable physically but there was no accompanying emotional, mental suffering since my breakdown/breakthrough last week. YEA!

O.K. here is the very big news. This pressure was enough to catapult me into a much deeper relationship with my inner child. She is now pretty much the boss.
Any time I don’t know what to do, I ask her what feels good to her. I have had a few desperate phone calls from friends and acquaintances and I let her decide how much we can do for how long. She decides if we go somewhere or not if I am iffy about it. I listen if she tells me it is enough, if she feels I am again prioritizing my work, another relationship, my Facebook friends’ needs or whatever over her needs for rest, for silence, for solitude. Many things have changed to accommodate this intensity. I have not been going to my NIA exercise class or even dance lately very often. She prefers we walk along the canals, which were part of the mining operations in this region. It is so beautiful, serene, calm, restorative for me. I need a ton of time outside, less computer time, more or less unable to read books and many other adjustments. I hear her voice within almost always and she is truly now, for the first time, my absolute priority, YEA! She wants me to tell you her name is Suzie and she wants me to scan in a photo of her so I will when I figure out how again.

O.K. kids, Suzie had enough for now and said it is time to nurture her so I’ll say goodbye for now. Know I am sending you all a humongous hearthug. I was out by my outdoor altar just a little while ago sending all my newsletter subscribers a giant love wave and calling out many of your names for blessings, did you feel it?

me:ja baby photo 1

Suzie and my sister, I am the darker haired one.

hear and see the canal: IMG_1386

14 Replies to “loving what is and adoring our inner children- new photos and video”

  1. …*** Mwah!! xxx
    S… yes… doing the bare minimum here in Australia… Lots of gentle rest in quiet & perfect certainty (ACIM)…
    Judy Satori announced yday on radio show that “we are in a holding pattern” & that her own anxiety is off the scale as we sit in the not knowing …”
    She is on radio in 2 hrs again … I will find the details … T

    • Today I feel human again, let me know what you find out. My strong sense is we are undergoing MAJOR upgrade but holy cow, this time they came wayyyy too close to exceeding design parameters!

  2. Darling picture of Ciela and her friend!

    Yes, the energies have “whapped me upside the head” for sure. Just spent 2 nights in the hospital “under observation” making sure the dizziness/lightheadedness I was feeling wasn’t anything worse than vertigo. (Which I’ve had before several times, but this time felt different.) Since I live alone I called 911, which sent paramedics and an ambulance from the Fire Department. Was delighted to find they were women! Very few of them so far. Creepy experience, of course, but I was well taken care of. Like Tish, I’ll be doing pretty much the bare minimum for awhile, and loving my inner child. Feeling better now, but still a bit tired…..have had to re-type a lot more words than usual. Hopefully now that the moon is full, things will ease up considerably for awhile.

    Love to you all.

    • …… & Love to you from Australia… Vertigo often occurs as we raise our vibration, fun hey! This too shall pass (ahhhhhh!!!) Trisha x

      • Hi, Tish,
        Thanks for reminding me that vertigo can be a symptom of rising vibration. That probably is the case, since they couldn’t find any definitive reason for it. At my age (77) this stuff is scary. Aarrgh!

        Besides full moon, I just read that there have been some solar flares/CMEs. Guess we’re getting “hit” from all sides! Hopefully all for the better.


        • I wanted to say the same thing B.J. I have had to be very careful with my balance, walking extra slow when things are uneven. Definitely a symptom of rising frequency. Oh yea baby, no rest for the weary. Hang in there love.

  3. How scary! so sorry to hear it. Glad to hear you seem to be better. These energies are not toys, are they? Sending you a great wave of healing light. Did you feel me calling out your name at my outdoor altar today? Hope things get smoother. I feel MUCH better today, less exhausted more clear. I know these energies are upgrades but shez, a tad over the top!
    much love

    • …*** yes, wayyyyyy too close to exceeding design parameters… Spot on S!
      I too am walking each step aware that I may trip wobble fall any moment… God, enough already! T

      • I can really feel the upgrades today. I actually feel GOOD, can you believe it? I am laughing A LOT and walking A LOT, needing powerfully to be outside, loving my canal trail, feeling more open hearted. Anyone else feeling new and improved?

  4. Thanks, you two (T & S)! Very reassuring. And I AM feeling a lot better today. (Double meaning of I AM, intended.) Whew!! 😉

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