Jeez, seeing only innocence

I have had one of the best days of my life. Three clients had major turnarounds with huge breakthroughs, I had an absolutely gorgeous conversation with a dear friend in Austria, spoke to my miracle buddy in England, tried a new soup recipe. I definitely seem to be on the other side of one of the biggest “upgrades” to hit my body as I dive ever deeper into Trust and innocence. I know with increasingly certainty that it is in the giving I receive.
The other day I had a wonderful conversation about Jesus with someone who was born again. When he approached me in the sauna, the old me would have ignored him. The new me was genuinely curious about what his relationship with Jesus, what it meant to him, what had triggered his massive shift from broken to euphoric and so on. He was not in a box i would have labeled born again and locked away. He was a lovely man with whom I had a holy instant.
Each morning i spend time in sacred space. I hang out with Jeez (other’s call him Jesus) yet my relationship with Him has become as a trusted brother. He wears a motorcycle jacket, has a pierced ear and loves expresso. I run through my day with Him and ask Him to help me always choose from my heart, choose Love and only innocence. I have had the practice for some time yet it gets longer and more intimate. I more clearly hear the impulses and guidance that comes through me as unexpected guidance to say and do outrageous things, so far out of my old comfort zone that I had to blow the whole thing up. Innocence is where it is at. Since I decided to see all through LOVE and am sticking with it, guess what, don’t even need rose colored glass to see the new earth where peace and harmony prevail. In every moment we choose to see with the eyes of ego or Love. Yes, we have to clear out the bunker of false beliefs and old conditioning first. But mana mia, when we do, the Homecoming is so sweet, nothing else can touch it.

Put these men together and He looks something like that.

Image may contain: 1 person, beard
Image may contain: 1 person, closeup
Image may contain: 1 person

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