Inter-relational present moment awareness practice group

It feels impossible to describe this but got tired of trying, my best attempt so far that I just sent to the paper. This for me has been pivotal in my discovering huge inner peace and self acceptance. Maybe will try again later.
Union health columnist Savannah Hanson, M.A.,will be offering an eight week program to facilitate connection, self awareness, grounding and intimacy. The event begins February 7 from 2-3:45 pm. The program is a present moment awareness practice called T- group and an inter-relational practice called circling where we will be doing our best to get our own and others’ worlds. We will explore powerful communication skills that can support our relationships. Practices such as not making assumptions, using ownership language and doing our best to truly understand what another is attempting to say to us can lead to deeper, more intimate relationships.
The practices often leads to amazing insights and for me has been very been very supportive for nervous system regulation. While one of the principles is not to fix or change oneself or another, many experience significant inner and outer transformation. This practice has been life altering for me and supported me in deepening my closest relationships, developing incredible self acceptance and accessing an abiding inner peace. I love it!!!. When weather permits, done outside on sacred land in Penn Valley to promote grounding. Sliding scale. Currently two spaces remain.
For questions or to register contact Savannah Hanson, M.A., MFT #40422 at (530) 575-5052 or
May be an image of 4 people and outdoors

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