broken identities and spacious presence

There is a whole lotta shaking going on! These kick ass energies are cutting lose all that is unreal, limited, false within us and sometimes it is doing it with a radical sword that take no prisoners, i.e. we are being required to let go of all that weighs us down. The weight has become intolerable and many will feel as if they might be going mad or even want to end their lives.
You are not alone, this is what is up. The ego is on the run and would rather take your life then set you free. Yet to get free we must let go of the old pronto! This may be old outdated ways of doing things, relationships, jobs, home, possession and most important to all, identities. We lock ourselves in identities to feel safe that then forget we are the prison guard who locked the cell.
It is hard to let go of the old without knowing what will come. The void can be a very scary place to be. Yet on the other side is a liberation and an exultation. Yet one must take the dive to find out. Are we willing to let go and see what is on the other side of the veil?
In the last 48 hours a major letting go has presented itself to me no less than four times. Time to saddle up the horse. It is the male/ female dynamic. It is under full scrutiny and pressure in the current astrology. Relationships of all sorts will be under pressure yet none perhaps so much as the one that has been until now the battle of the sexes. It is time for this to end yet for that to happen we have to step out of duality, of he said, she said, of seeing error, making it real and then trying to fix it. One problem, separation, one solution, it never happened.
So in conversation with women over the last days this is what I hear. He won’t listen to me, he isn’t open to me, he won’t let himself be vulnerable, I feel like my love is not being received. Yet I am seeing men come forward in a more vulnerable, tender way then I have ever witnessed and it is yummy. Yet I too want to shout, it is not enough, I need more. Or I did until recently (and yes still do to a lesser degree.) I need more is the battle cry of the ego. Doesn’t matter more of what, just more. This more drove me much of my life, more adventure initially, more community, more money, more love. Yea it is the more love that seemed the most convincing and had me justified in my self righteous anger. Yet what does that say. If I need more then I can’t be that thing. Love does not say of itself, I need more, it simply IS! My vision for my life has been to BE LOVE. By definition that precludes needing to GET love. Now this is the paradox that has had this one stumped for eons but is now finally dialing in. I would love to get all over this and so easy to blame men and tell them they need to open up. If I were a man, I would probably say women need to stop being so needy, need to leave me alone, need to give me space. I am going with classic roles here knowing that this is not a male/female dynamic, rather it is a human dynamic. I need more of whatever and you need to give it to me. Maybe for men it is sex, it doesn’t matter. If we look to another for our own fulfillment, we will always be beggars. We must be sovereign. Yet when we are, can we come together in compassion and say darling, rest your head, I am here for you. Or do we want to keep pointing the finger. Can we open up dialogues, beloved where does it hurt, how can I hold both of us in innocence? Have we had enough of conflict? Are we ready to hold each other tenderly and in and through the relationship, heal and cherish each other? Can we give each other space, hold in presence, say yes to each other, let go of needing to be right? Can we finally see that this is separation playing out in its most convincing form and refuse to buy the program, rather turn to our own hearts and say, there there dear one, you are not alone, you are loved, you are not separate. I will assure you of this again and again until you finally KNOW, the separation never happened. We are not alone. We are loved. More importantly, we are Love. Can we finally stop taking the anguish out on each other?
One of the most difficult identities for me to break was that of mother. I only let this one go a few months ago. I was startled yet not surprised to see this cherished mother’s day gift in pieces on my altar. It had not been jarred or touched yet the salute to being the best loved mom was in pieces. Symbolic anyone?

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