primal unraveling

I have a dear friend going through the primal phase of awakening. So many do not understand what is happening and are convinced something is seriously wrong. Doctors seem confounded yet always seek medical advice if unsure. More symptoms may include an inability to recognize faces, forgetting the past or what happened yesterday, dizziness, vertigo, breaking things, intense mood swings, heart palpitations, high/ low blood pressure. This process can be grueling physically with intense exhaustion and insomnia. This is just an fyi so you know you are not alone if this is what you are experiencing. One thing after another appears to go wrong in life circumstances. It is a phase that will pass if it is experienced consciously. Know that you are always supported by the Mystery, by the Divine. Join with other heart friends for support.

For many of us, the period of the greatest ego unraveling can be rather intense, to say the least. It can feel so primal, so grueling that trusting there is a benevolent force at work guiding the process may feel like mission impossible. I ask you to borrow my trust, trust of others who have come out the other side, shaking their heads in wonder. It can feel truly endless for those who commit to the awakening of their hearts. I know of some who have come through relatively scot free but this is not the story I hear most commonly.
If this is your experience right now, be extraordinarily tender with yourself. I used to choose my underwear to give me a boost, no joke! I wore a Quan Yin pendant I clutched when the most extreme waves of energy and ego unraveling washed over me. Not for the faint of heart for sure. Yet to wake up from the nightmare and see all is truly well, now this is something worth actualizing. I understand why Buddha has a half smile.
This does not mean I never experience challenge, not at all. I know I will continue to unfold into higher levels of consciousness that can come with rather painful side effects. The difference is that is much more rare for me to get caught in identification with the unraveling, taking it as real and permanent. I did fall for a few things lately and truly believed them. Yet the veil drops much quicker, in one case in minutes, the other in hours. Thank God I have learned not to blast the person who I might temporarily see as the devil incarnate as they trigger primal wounds. How glorious to pop back to Love so much more rapidly and usually without collateral damage.

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