zone of safety

I used to love Star Trek. I loved a number of things they’d say, in this case, the idea of jumping to hyperspace. That is what I feel is happening to us since the eclipse, we have been jumped to hyperspace. It will accelerate whatever reality we are believing in. In my case, it is showing me for a “fact” that what I believe will manifest in “my” reality.” I saw how I was able to create a zone of safety around me where for almost the whole last 6 days since the fire I have had little smoke around me despite the fire being about 6 air miles away. While the fire was relatively small, it was destructive yet I was able to see how I knew absolutely I/ we were safe. I see that most of my life has been lived in separation, doubt, suffering. Yet having had the willingness to pass through the rings of fear, I feel I am now soft landing in a new reality where I/we are truly unlimited. I could tell you it is because I decided to follow my heart and teach a class about moving beyond limitations yet I know I decide to teach the class because I had the inner knowing it was time and I had integrated enough ego to have the inner certainty and spaciousness to hold in that energy. Two years ago I did the same with fear, to experiment with the possibility of moving beyond fear. Making that commitment mobilized my attention and energy and now I am rarely afraid and, is so, usually only for a few hours.

I see that most of my life has been lived in separation, doubt, suffering. Yet having had the willingness to pass through the rings of fear, I feel I am now soft landing in a new reality where I/we are truly unlimited. I could tell you it is because I decided to follow my heart and teach a class about moving beyond limitations yet I know I decide to teach the class because I had the inner knowing it was time and I had integrated enough ego to have the inner certainty and spaciousness to hold in that energy. Two years ago I did the same with fear, to experiment with the possibility of moving beyond fear. Making that commitment mobilized my attention and energy and now I am rarely afraid and, is so, usually only for a few hours.

Kids, we are not in Kansas anymore We are living in a time where more of us can accept our true magnificence and start playing in the field of possibilities. If you are local would love to have you come join the class playing with moving beyond limitations. Wherever two or more are gathered it becomes much easier to hold in Truth. To now live life not from a defensive position is indeed a miracle. To begin to grasp at a whole new level what Christ consciousness entails, powerful and so exhilarating.

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