the main event

Some of the more difficult beliefs are: this will never end, I can’t take it anymore and there is something wrong with me that I need to correct in order not to suffer. So not true loves. This is a remembering game and the energies push us to jettison limitation and anything that does not serve us. We are often forced to simplify in order to keep up energetically, letting go of any person, place or thing that drains us. We may need to let go of dead-end jobs, toxic relationships, locations/ homes that do not feel good to us. There can be an intense letting go yet we need to know the energy is not evil, harmful, cruel etc. It is a benevolent force guiding us to our authentic selves, however, it may feel. Yes, the process can be grueling and exhausting until we get hip to the Truth that we are unlimited beings, playing small. The energy will keep building indefinitely so it is essential we get up to code, so to say, to the current frequency. This requires letting go of toxicity in cellular memory, learning to love ourselves, knowing we are worthy and, ultimately knowing ourselves as the embodied experience of the Divine. No small task yet we are up to it or we would not be alive today. Until this year I too often sunk to the pit of “when will this end, I can’t take it anymore.” For those willing to take the ride, we may still feel the intensity in our bodies and still need to integrate pockets of perceived suffering until we arrive Home. Yet we are destined to arrive. This is not some airy fairy peace, love tie-dye myth but the main event here on planet earth.

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