hot, anyone?

Anyone else less than thrilled with triple digit heat and smoke? I woke up to smoke this morning very early. Couldn’t turn on the whole house fan because of the smoke. I could feel my stomach drop in displeasure. But here is what i really got recently. I have an IDEA about the heat that my body faithfully follows. I have witnessed my reaction to weather over the years. When we first moved to Nevada County, we used to joke no wonder so many kids are named Noah since it rains in a deluge often, rain like a wall of water. I used to dread the rain.
Yes, the drought helped but this year I adored the rain. My mind had a new idea about rain and celebrated it. My mind told my body all was well so it could relax. I realized recently I was flooding my body with negative ideas about heat. In the past I would have sworn to you it was my body deciding, responding to my natural body type. But when I heard myself say for the millionth time, I can handle it as long as it cools down at night I decided to play with it. Yes, I still obsessively check the weather report but I have changed my mind. I do make plans to get in to cool water as often as possible, enjoy movie theaters in the heat of the day. But I no longer inadvertently instruct my body to freak out when nights are hot and days boil. No surprise, my body is now much calmer, sleeps better at night. I used to believe I could not sleep well on a hot night so I didn’t. The last nights I slept like a hibernating bear despite hot temps. Something to watch beloveds. Our minds are so powerful. The body is the servant of the mind. But don’t believe me, try it for yourself.


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