no need to save the world/ beyond suffering

Decided to share this unedited post I wrote from a group I belong to. Matt is Matt Kahn.

Just had another paradigm shift occur yesterday. I was noticing how a character “flaw” of mine has really been magnified this month. I had been on the theme of moving beyond seeing myself as flawed so I noticed I could just be with this “flaw” with peace, noticing and curious. I do not feel the need to fix or change it just love it which is so different from my old M.O. Here’s what came to me yesterday. It is one think to think it is not a flaw, it is another thing to feel and know it. “I am as God created me.” ‘ACIM. Everything I study tells me I am Divine. I never read I am Divine with a few little things that need tweaking. Matt’s dream laid a powerful foundation for me years ago. We have NEVER done ANYTHING wrong. How to take this in and make it real? Don’t have to. Matt’s other offering serves me so well. We do not let go of conditions, they let go of us. So I keep loving my heart and trusting it will all work itself out. Or as “A Course in Miracles” says, we need do nothing. Then at my “A Course of Love” group last night it really came home to me what I had been experiencing all day. WE can move beyond fear which I have done for the most part. Yet we are now beginning to move beyond suffering. Suffering is such an integral part of so many religions. Buddha speaks of the internet nature of suffering. Yes it is linked to ego and mind yet even A Way of Mastery speaks of the way Holy Spirit uses contrast. SO what I really got yesterday is we live in a time where it is/ will be possible to leave that method of learning behind forever. Yes it may take everything we have and then some yet it is possible. When I have huge awareness droop in like that I feel my brain literally reconfigure, or that is how it feels. My brains feels like scrambled eggs, I may feel dizzy, I feel a sense of movement within my brain. It feels as though the ground opens beneath me. So wild. Yesterday’s lesson 115 in ACIM said “For HE gave me His plan that I might save the world.” It infuriated me as I am just getting over my rescue, spiritual ego person of needing to save the world. BS. It was written in 70’s I think AWOM was written in the 90’s and already few concepts we are now going beyond. What I am groking is we live in times of unprecedented change. ACIM says there is no order of difficulty in miracles. Hard to grasp, yes? We beat ourselves up for being where we are because Sally or John is further. the we doubt ourselves, why me, what did I do wrong. Yet when we keep loving those lost parts of self, as we integrate them we can move to unprecedented levels of consciousness where miracles are everyday faire. One small example. I normally need a tank of gas a week with my driving schedule. I made an extra long trip, drove in to town an extra time and after 10 days I still had 1/2 tank gas. Miracle? You tell me.

My wish in posting here is that by sharing our insights and our stories we can begin to create a new narrative for our lives, find our way beyond fear and suffering. While I have relinquished my job as world savior it is my great joy to see and know the world has been saved. Blessings to us all.

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