a world that works for all

Today feels like a pivotal day in the ascension of mankind. We are at choice here. Many people are using their power to be AGAINST something or someone. We may be aware that what we resist persist, but surely not in this case. We have to protest and share our experience. Yet I can tell you from my own experience and decades of professional work with clients and students that resistance is the cause of suffering, rigid attachment causes pain. Small example I heard yesterday a complaint about the weather. Yes the rain has been rather relentless. However it has ended a severe drought. How does it feel when we say NO to what is? Does it makes us feel better? IT is one thing to know what works for us and put our time and energy into that. The old saying about having the courage to know the difference between what we can or cannot change. Weather, not so much. Political systems, economy, yes.
Yet if we devote our energy to be against things, change will be slow indeed. I recently heard the city of Seattle has withdrawn its investments for companies supporting the contested pipe line. Gorgeous! I deeply honor Standing Rock and their commitment to clean water, the women’s march’s tomorrow for women’s rights. What are you for? What action can you take to support what you are for? I am for all people having a home. We recently supported a homeless man with clothes, food, even the bungie cords he needed. I am for a more peaceful planet so I volunteer at the local jail to support men and women in becoming more aware of the choice we all have when we are aware of that choice. I am for a just economy so I adore giving freely of my gifts. I am for love so I extend it in every conceivable way that occurs to me.
I just began a fascinating book (thank you Anya Light) called “Sacred Economy” by Charles Eisenstein who details how our current relationship with money is based generally on greed, scarcity and separation and is a core human wound. He theorizes this is not natural to humans, that our natural state is one of generosity and uses historical and current anthropological evidence to support his theory. He talks about the vital significance of our story about money. He says it was intend to make life easier, more relaxed and fair. Instead it is a major source of fear, anxiety, inequality and he proposes solutions. I look forward to hearing his solutions. I want to give you one gorgeous example of a woman who acts upon what she is for. I just had a mammogram and read an article about my doctor, Dr. Agnes. She believes in universal coverage for women and thus offers free mammograms for women who need them. Apparently our county has the highest incidence of mortality from breast cancer and they associate it from the number of woman who cannot afford coverage. Currently everyone can receive coverage and it would be easy to flip out and complain about what might happen in the future. Or we can band together and see this gift belong continued, We can envision a world of universal coverage and if we are so drawn we can take action as Dr. Agnes has. I salute her and just sincerely thanked her as I do each time i see her. I also honor the action planned for January 28the which is for appropriate use of bank investments in companies that honor the earth
If you have read this far I ask you to join me in this vision My lesson in “A Course in Miracles” yesterday was “I am not alone in experiencing the effect of my thoughts.” (may not be exact, doing from memory in a coffee shop.) I had a very powerful example of this play out in my own life. I had previously seen a relative as powerfully impacted by what most would consider a deficiency and I too sometimes slipped into worry about. Worry is negative prayer. But this time I saw this relative only with compassion and even though inside I was shaking with the power of the momentum toward fear I repeated over and over to myself to rest only in compassion. Lo and behold the next day the situation had a possible solution arises that was an entirely new response to the situation. I assure you your thoughts are powerful. Wherever you are in the world, whatever your political bent, I ask you join with me in seeing a world that supports all the people. To me this is one of the most powerful things we can do short of taking action in behalf of our values and visions. The other thing I ask is that you take a moment to love yourself. A planet filled with people who are self loving is a new earth that will naturally transmute to a place of peace and equality. If you don’t know how to love yourself, just whisper “I love you” to yourself for a few minutes, knowing this small action, over time, will make a difference. Thank you.

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