
We are coming to the end of a nine year cycle and the end of a nine year which means it is completion time. Anything resonating unlike love may be surfacing big time. When it is time to release an old limitation, the universe conspires to give us a wake up call by arranging circumstances to get our attention and then we can either see beyond the false sense of deficiency or chose to buy the obstacle. If we buy it,we are given more opportunities to change our minds and hearts stacked up. In graduate school, they called it the “stackers.” When we get the lesson, the stackers remove some of the challenging circumstances, when we still buy in to it, we get a few more stacked on. Might seem cruel yet the Mystery only desires our remembering. Even after we get it, might be a few pop quizzes to be sure the lesson is embodied. Once we reach neutrality we might get the occasional small reminder but ultimately we rest in absolute peace where we see all with eyes of love. Before our lives may have felt full of challenge, now miracles seem to be strewn in our path.
As 2016 comes to a close, what opportunities for remembering our own magnificence are arising? We often have our foot on both the gas and brakes as we thinking expansive thoughts and then counter them with a few woe is me. This is NOT to blame ourselves, we ALWAYS deserve our own love. This is only to bring our awareness to the forgetting and to give us the opportunity to choose again. When we are in the midst of the deepest ego unraveling, it will probably feel as though all hell has broken lose and in a way it has. It is for the heaven of our own presence to do a spring cleaning. During that period we can only survive and slowly see where we have been conditioned to believe in limitations. No harm, no foul just opportunities to see beneath the play of illusion. Darlings in this moment take a deep breath, slow down, give yourself a giant hug and know you are a child of God and thus inherently worthy. We need not search for it, it came with our birth.

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