seeing past appearances

It is becoming ever more significant to Remember who we are. As outer chaos increases, it is so cozy to be wrapped in the inner comfort of knowing our Divine nature.
The intensity of the unraveling can make it easy to forget our inherent worth and power. After a long period of challenges and seeming limitations while our ego dissolves back into the nothingness from which it came, it can be easy to get lost in identification with the appearance of limitation rather then see the gifts being offered to let go of false definitions of Self. Yet when we can see problems as mere appearances, as neutral events, it is amazing how often they dissipate into the void. After a period of profound dissolution of ego, there often comes a period of emptiness, of flat energy where nothing seems to matter or make sense, where there may be no sense of direction or desire. After such a extreme period of unraveling, this emptiness is seldom understood and welcomed yet it is clearing us out for our true identity to fill us. We may remain lost in the appearance of problems chasing ghosts before we wake up and recognize these appearances are only here to strengthen our Trust in our own inherent Magnificence. Once we catch on, the gig is up and we begin to witness tiny miracles which seem to increase as our faith strengthens. There is truly no order of difficulty with miracles, only our minds prevent them for arising. Our minds can so easily think empowering thoughts about our True majesty for a few minutes before dropping back into endless regurgitations of all the problems facing us. It takes great attention to turn away from this problematic self. While a few like Eckhart Tolle will pass through the illusion quickly, in his case overnight after years of intense suffering, most of us emerge more slowly, rubbing our eyes in wonder to see the world through a different lens of perception.
When we begin to let go of our attention on our problematic selves and instead offer love to ourselves and the world, everything changes. For me service is one of the easiest ways to break the identification with ourselves as a problem. Find one being you love, be it a cat, a child, a neighbor, a relative, a lover and serve that person, love that being. This shift of attention away from ourselves as a problem opens the door to our true self. It can be as easy as that. It does not need to be some massive save the world purpose, it can be as simple as watering your plants with love. Why not begin today to serve one other creature, live from with love? Maybe it will have to be caring for your cactus garden- perfect, whatever brings you alive, brings you joy.
In my own live, I am in the process of clearing appearances in relationships. Every time I am upset or angry, I say “it appears as though… this person is being mean, is unkind, is cruel, is thoughtless etc.” and then I look for another perception, view, explanation that shows me it is ALWAYS love or fear. I often have emotional and physical reactions yet these are now my red flags to look deeper. Because the feeling of separation that arises IN ME when I judge another, is so uncomfortable I am highly motivated to find another way, to discover the freedom of seeing only love, wherever, on whom ever I look. This is true freedom. Will you join me in seeing only with the eyes of love? I guarantee you the world will turn on a dime when we all get this one.let-the-emergence-of-a-new-humanity-begin-i-came-here-to-change-the-world

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