Identification no more, on the road to freedom

body on fireBasically since the year began I have been waking up in the middle of the night, often not able to go back to sleep. Curious if others having this happen, anybody? I had insomnia for years and fought it tooth and nail but had not had an issue for almost 3 years. I know our brains and hearts are being reworked.

Here is my huge ah ha moment i caught in 2015. The old spiritual rule was to stop believing and rehashing your own story. but i am now trying to find the orginal reference from Eckhart Tolle beacuse i wonder I I and others misunderstood this. I love how Matt Kahn called that just another way to inflict pain on ourselves by trying to deny our “story.” What set me free big time in 2015 was breaking my IDENTIFICATION with tiredness and with anxiety. A horrible trans_atlantic itereneray inlolving over 30 hours of travel fored me to look at my beliefs about tiredness and sleep and either make a change or suffer big time. I leanred I could go 50 hours on about 4 hours sleep without being whiped out or totally exhausted, it was truly a revelation to discover how much my mind impacted my body. Take away the mind, the body is wayyyyy stronger then we think. I re-discovered this same truth with high blood pressure which i came to undertand I could shift hugely in under a minute by calming my mind. Then the biggest revelation was with anxiety. When it reached pnic proportions in October, I was forced on hands and knees to surrender in a new way. I had to say stay forever, take me out, whatever, I accept this moment is what it is. What ultimately transpired as in that moment I broke my IDEICNTIFICATION with anxiety. I see in hind sight that I still sometimes the exact same body sensations I used to call anxiety but now I just witness specific sensations such as tension in my shoulders, rigidity in my spine, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure arise and fall away. Without the IDENTIFICATION with the sensations, they ususaly pass away quickly. Without the IDENTIFICATION with insomnia I can sleep ofr just a few hours without waking up tired, even fort=getting as I go about my day that I hardly slept. I know this may seem like sliptting hairs. I know it was gibberish until I had the direct experience. I also know that having another point out this posssibility ahead of time, made it easier for me to fall into when the perfect storm of circumstances arose. May these bless even one person with greater easier. May all beings remember the Love that they are.

2 Replies to “Identification no more, on the road to freedom”

  1. I’ve heard that waking up in the middle of the night can be a rest from some intense downloading while you were asleep. (Assuming it’s not just a bathroom call.. 😉 ….) Not so great when you can’t get back to sleep; however, just relaxing in bed with your eyes closed does give one a large percentage of the benefits of sleep.

    • For sure, my understanding is specific parts of our brains are being reworked when we wake up at certain times. Trust and relaxing, yup, both very helpful.

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