ring of fear

I am hearing from many people that fear has been greatly increased with the bump up in energy. “The Way of Mastery” calls it the ring of fear and each of us must pass through our own personal litany of horrors on our way home to own Love nature. As we pass through it feel often impossible to see ourselves as unlimited, as Divine, as pure, as magnificence. The fears rob us of our own self love and appreciation. Even thought the fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real it just feels so dang real that the fear can take us to some very dark places. It is easy to believe we are not strong enough to survive the latest onslaught, that we can’t take it anymore, that it will never end. As our nervous systems release the dross of illusion, it can feel very primal. Only faith, trust and the love and support of friends seen and unseen can carry us through. This is one of the those times where many need to dig very deep to find inner strength and reserves that have been untapped until now. The reserves are there.
My journey has gone far enough that I can now see clearly how EVERYTHING serves me, has helped me wake up, is helping me wake up if I slip once again down the rabbit hole. I have now cleared two of my three most intense fears. I literally am not triggered in those areas hardly ever, maybe never, anymore. Wow, that is a miracle I could not imagine a decade ago. Thursday my last remaining current big fear got triggered. I felt the fear hit my solar plexus and breathed into it, allowed it, felt how it was moving through my body. I adored myself as I embraced the fear and it passed more quickly then ever. I was left with a feeling of gratitude for the inner freedom that allows so much that used to dump me into anything from agitation to panic to now be perfectly neutral. These times afford us unprecedented opportunities for freedom. Yes, it takes more courage then we knew we had. I am finally learning to surrender my plans, to trust it is unfolding and all I have to do is show up and play my part. I do not need to know how to release this fear, I do not need to even know how to surrender. With my focus and intent in place, I just have to let go and float. The rest is done for me, for you, for us. Now to dive into the trust that sustains us in these epoch changing times. I often envision all of us as hero/ines of a grand adventure, trailblazers crossing the prairies, the deserts, the poles of consciousness. I imagine our great great great grandchildren telling the tales of the courage of their ancestors in these dark times, saluting our bravery, our boldness, our grit as we surf these wild waves of energy during this paradigm shift. Sometimes I feel the excitement and wonder what magic awaits us. Will you join me in awaiting the Mystery as it unfolds, knowing it is good and very good?

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