Lifting the veil

Had a powerful experience at dance which i adored. I have been feeling like a two ton elephant has been sitting on my field and not finding it easy not to slip into discouragement. Went into dance dragging. Somewhere in the dance I felt moved to pick up scarfs with jingles. I was rattling them around the dance floor, round the dancers. IT metamorphosed into a shimmery duet with another dancer. I then felt moved to dress myself with scarfs and realized it was evolving into a shamanistic ritual. That thought came later. Until the end I was just instinctively moving. It was not like the blissful time where there was no self moving; I knew myself yet moved without thought. At the end I covered my face with veils and felt the weight of the belief that my sensitive energy system doomed me to a life of always being at the mercy of my own energy and how the acceleration, how life and others would be impacting me, pushing me around until the end of time. I felt that belief lift off my field in answer to many fervent prayers. I felt the veils of samsara lift away. AS I had that thought, a song came on that said exactly that! My mouth fell open in awe of the power of the moment. I bowed to the grace of celebration infusing that ritual, realizing how I am being set free of the wheel. I later shared with the group my experience. When I also mentioned my night of believing the electricity was off when actually it was on and how that kept me awake, one woman said, ah, but the power was always on. Yes, the power is always on, we must just tap into it.

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