the boogie man

I seriously don’t even remember being so bombarded with continuous challenges or being so busy. I put out one fire when the next erupts. Last night I was awake in the middle of the night and came to such peace, moving out of feeling victimized, reestablishing feels of empowerment, knowing all was well, living in Christ Consciousness. I had something wonderful happen that convinced me a long term problem had miraculously resolved. Then today I got hit with an even more significant stressor and it all went out the window. I have the feeling of constantly trying to keep my head above water. I know this is serving us and it is ultimately for our highest good but I sometimes feel incredibly discouraged and the boogie man feels so real. Then I clearly see, no it is all an illusion, all is well. Then back under again. I can only offer you my love and support as we sail through these wild times. So much love.

7 Replies to “the boogie man”

  1. ***** Oh Savannah, it’s a wild ride at the moment! I am sending you a sprinkle of colored stardust sparkles to light your day. T Australia

    • **** Oh S… As I just did some healing work on you clearing energies … I felt a shudder move very strongly thru me, which indicates a great clearing of any miscreated energies back into Gaia to transmute. You deserve it as u have been a good friend to me over the years! Mwah T

      • Oh Sweetheart, Thank you for doing that. It ended with me literally hyperventilating and with heart beat so fast I thought I might keel over but it blew in some clarity and calm. I am sure your energy helped with the clearing-do you know what time you did it? My energy blew out around 5ish pm California time.

  2. Yes, it sure has been up-and-down lately! And I guess Gaia is feeling it too – just read about the big earthquake in Nepal. (Tish, maybe you felt it.) Sure wish things would level off, or become comfortable for awhile. But I guess it’s all part of the “learning experience”/ascension. Hang in there… 😉
    Much love, big hugs…..

    • To you too darling. Yes, the energy is powerfully on the move. Spoke to someone of whom I have the greatest respect and he too got pummeled like I did. I can already feel big release and major shift, greater connection to my true nature, to Christ consciousness. Many lessons learned, hope to have time/energy to write about it soon. Big hug to you sweetie, hang in there dear one.
      I hope to hear from my friend soon that he came through the earthquake. Definitely not times for the faint of heart.

  3. Thanks B.J. Yes, hang in there darling, certainly can get old can’t it? Oh no, have a good FB friend in Nepal, must check the news as I generally never look. Sending you love waves. xoxoxox

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