courage, newsletter

“In order for that pathway to become clear and open, you must be able to endure the burning of the light of the higher centers into the conditioned density of the lower centers.
This will create pressure and as you trigger the habitual defense and survival programming of the lower self, you will experience various levels of resistance. Pain is a symptom of resistance energetically.”…/gabriels-overview-of-2…

This is a post I already recommended but I just reread it and find it amazingly aligned with my intuitions about these times. It is crazy out there. I am hearing so many major catastrophes. It takes tremendous courage to stay on target, stay focused on remembering your connection to Source, stay certain of your unlimited nature.

Sunday was very rough for me. I had my live radio interview the next day and stressors kept piling up. I was concerned i would be too unbalanced to be clear and effective during my interview.  As Monday progressed, I kept my focus on releasing any negative stories about what might unfold. I took it very easy for the day, focused on loving ad calming myself. It took a lot of courage to keep regroupng, refocusing, trusting. It would have been so easy to slip into a cesspool of fear. The  increase in intensity of the energy is nothing to be sneezed at. Recognize if you are feeling challenged that it is not personal, it is a global phenomena. I am speaking to a number of people with extreme anxiety. It is impacting our nervous system, our ability to feel safe in our bodies. Nurture and be gentle with yourself as best as you can. Spend time in silence, in nature, moving the body, eating well, around loving people if you can. Keep sending I love you’s to the place inside that is freaking out.

On a total different topic, I started working on the next newsletter if anyone wants to sign up to receive it, maybe out next week.  I will be adding the names or emails of those that signed up this year to the outdoor altar on February 14, weather permitting. If you signed up for the newsletter and your email does not contain your name please email me your name if you want me to use it instead of your email for the altar.  My mail server does not provide your name only the email. Contact me at

4 Replies to “courage, newsletter”

  1. “if you are feeling challenged … it is not personal, it is a global phenomena”
    That’s reassuring to know, even if it doesn’t make things easier. I’ve also been working on keeping myself as calm and loving as possible in the face of challenges.
    (The DMV here in S.F. is woefully small and understaffed, which meant standing in long lines – hard on the back – but I got thru it! Perhaps a sign of the stress on their employees, is the fact that many of them are very overweight. Snacks are often used for stress relief. Yet somehow they were civil and polite, even friendly.)

    Is your interview available online? I didn’t have a chance to listen on Monday.

    Big hug!

    • Yea, you got through it! Yes, so many people are experiencing severe stress with no clue how to deal with it so we are ahead of the game. I too am amazed how people in these stressful jobs stay so friendly. I see them as heros.
      I asked both my interviewers to send me the digital download. One said she could but has not done it. The other did not answer at all. I was not able to find in on the KVMR web site. If I find a way, I’ll let you know. Hang in there, this is by far the most intensity i have seen yet. smooches

  2. Hello One & All,
    As I am from your future (15:1:15) here in Australia … I wish to warn you all that today I had one of the most difficult emotional moments, taking me to the edge & back…
    I too was surprised by the intensity & I came to the conclusion that it was a ring of FEAR that I was up against from the group consciousness of humanity…So I pushed through… and here I AM…So, if this wave hits you, know, like surfing, the wave passes…this too shall pass. Stay strong beloved Children of Light Divine.

  3. Glad I didn’t see this till the day was over. Yea, I got that wave on Sunday and it was a dozer. Today was pretty good just extreme exhaustion setting in. But the feeling of love and connection, on certain levels, skyrocketing. In another way, intense desire to be alone in silence. This is a ride for sure and just listened to the Pele Report where he said it will last with this intensity through January so hang on to your hats. So sorry you got mowed over, glad to hear you are still standing strong again. I tell you, the amount of courage, tenacity and trust this game takes is astounding. Hang in there loves, we got this and I am getting a taste of the miracles that await those who make it through the eye of the needle. By the way I heard that it was a mistranslation to say it is a rich man having trouble getting though the eye of the needle, it should say it is a BURDENED man that can not pass through the eye of the needle, I so get that. Huge love wave coming your way to balance the other wave. I got so many delicious hugs today and watching the hug video on my Facebook page totally shifted my energy yesterday.

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