2015- postcards from the edge

I just love that phrase which was a book I believe, postcards from the edge. So far 2015 is having a very mixed energy for me. On the one hand one of my deepest desires and passions is moving forward at rocket sped. New opportunities and the acknowledgment of my work is very satisfying and encouraging. On the other hand over the last days so many bizarre obstacles, interruptions, challenges and frustrations have arisen. There was a moment yesterday when I wanted to shout ENOUGH ALREADY. Some of it is for me but more of it is how I see ones close to me being continuously challenged. The most amazing part of this new energy for me is my ability to stay calm overall despite numerous unexpected events, shifts in plans, significant unexpected expenses and lots of other button pushers. Almost always, my body stays neutral while my mind seeks immediately solutions. This is extremely encouraging and I feel very glad I am not being blown away by having had false expectations about the energy of the new year many are hailing as the big shift out of the previous years of challenges. My expectations in 2012 were painful enough to prevent me from falling into the same trap. But sheez, what is up? I am just mentioning it in case you too are experiencing a lot of mixed energy. I also find that even typing is often difficult as my fingers often mess up the letters in a way they never did before and I quickly forget whatever major insight I wanted to write about if I cannot get it down immediately. I also have some weird rash that is  uncomfortable and other things primarily centered on the left side of my body. It is clear to me my immune is being worked to the max as my body adjust to this new frequency and energy. Sometimes I get so tired of being tired, tired of intensity, tired of the constancy of challenges either to myself or to loved ones. So this is just my report from the front lines of the ascension, love revolution game. Hang in there loves, seems the ride is still plenty bumpy.

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