New Year’s 2018/19 I was instructed to embody, but really, despite having done embodiment practices for years I didn’t really know what it meant. Luckily I bumped into John and he became my embodiment mindfulness mentor. I had no idea how much suffering came from refusing to ground. John was so patient and kind and life has never been the same. Highly recommend his offering.
“I am excited to announce the class series on Embodied Mindfulness I will be teaching this April. Mindfulness has changed my life in amazing ways and is spreading across the USA because it is simple and works. It connects you to your true self the one who dose not suffer knows love and is full of Joy. It is an antidote for worry, stress, and fear. I would love for you to join us in this beautiful exploration of the Truth.
Registration is required. Contact John to register or for any questions. John Delta @ (530) 870-4614
Suggested Donation $10 per class. A commitment to all classes required. April 9-May 4 Tuesdays 6-7:30 pm Unitarian Universalist Church Grass Valley.”