Don’t know about your kids but for me the energetic roller coaster continues. Feels like the life I knew last week has been shaken like a snow globe.
After three or four weeks of more social engagements in a row than I think I’ve ever had in this lifetime, Now engagements are getting canceled or Somehow we end up missing each other. Watching how strategies want to take dominion of this mind. Watching how the desire for sugar is arising in a way it hasn’t in a long time. I’m imagining many are feeling addictive.
I read a post about somebody who finally got his absolute hearts desire. But he lost everything until he finally dropped through some floor. I can feel how attachment to concepts and strategies keeps me looping. And still the urge for the strategies arises. Praise God I don’t have to fix or change myself or be the ideal self. Watching the play happen and I’m trusting source has my back.
Got to be with some people who are amazing do- ers. Got to watch myself mildly shame my being nature. And immediately someone came in and burst the bubble on imagining that these doers who seem to have a magnificent life are skating along with ease. Turns out to be so not true and the bubble got burst 24 hours after I created it.
As this body is still gyrating to absorb all the high frequencies, watching the mind do somersaults to catch up. God bless us one and all. In the sauna I listen to more and more tattooed musclemen share how their nervous system is fried. I adore activating a love portal in the sauna and I know my joy buddy does the same.
Beloveds, hear this if you wish. These energetics may surface the deepest shadows of unworthiness and self rejection. YES, please let whatever arises pass through the nervous system and KNOW it says nothing about Who we truly are. WE ARE MAGNIFICENT with a slight (ha) case of amnesia. WE ARE THE BELOVED!!!! I will keep reminding myself, the One, until we all finally REMEMBER.
FOR CONTEXT: (To all my circling community, yes I am well trained.) This is both my strategy and my soul mission, to support the REMEMBERING. I freely admit, the more of us that Remember, the easier it is for me.