Here are Trisha Downunder’s notes from a Matt Kahn talk at Sounds good! Thanks Trisha fro sharing this!!!! Thanks Matt for providing the clearest and most valuable wisdom I have found.
We are no longer living lives as 3d humans. We have created a hollow vessel, an empty space ready for the full activation of embodying the crystalline DNA Light.
2015 is the end of the meagre existence…
The Universe is taking care of us
The meagre existence created in us the exact surrender required to create the empty space.
$ is not needed in this incubation.
This incubation made our lives very simple
With v. little connection
With v. little social life
With v. little energy
With v. little money
With v. little distraction
We were surviving on v. little of anything
With v. little distraction…
By living with low energy
low abundance
low or no job
Low or no relationship
clears old 3d survival stories from our cells.
2015 crystalline dna = the ability to manifest abundance
immediately that which we desire and that which is good for us.
We will no longer be cosmic janitors clearing cleaning the energies.
2015 brings light to the first wavers
brings Mastery to the first wavers
brings in the christed dna
Its ok not to like this part of the process… and its ok to say
“I hate everyone”… thats ok too…
2015… you will be fueled by love only … as the ascension ride comes to life.
2015 for first wavers …do not look at world affairs as an indicator, look only at your own energy ok.
Forget the world story, the agendas, the poison seeds, etc.
2015 you will feel different as your old self becomes a stranger to you.
Your old understandings are gone as you enter into the cosmic knowing… with full faith and full surrender…
So much time you wont know what to do with yourself … it can lead to anxiety as the new dna comes online.
The first wavers (the over 50s) starseeds…
It is a magnificent journey you are on as you become detached from the old 3d world.
New friends, new heart connections will begin to reflect your truth and your love with total unguarded honesty of your own divinity.
2015… We come out of the incubation phase now as others enter it.
We have come this far, we have done so much , we have been sitting around like prisoners marking dates off on the calendar waiting for our release date, waiting for the excitement to come…
In the first few weeks of 2015 your soul will awaken in you and your heart journey will dawn.
Take all that you have learned so far and become the Master in form.
Emergence into crystalline dna form.
It feels REAL… The Light in you will feel REAL…
And, as one field of first wave Christed, crystalline, starseeds together, the PLAN to bring the frequency into the world, to celebrate the magnificence and perfection of who you are, your true self, as Light in form.
A reality of unlimited journey of neverending ecstasy of your own true nature.
The most exciting time on this planet.
The best is yet to come. I always say..
And that best has come.
Welcome home. This is the Light at the end of the Tunnel.
Its ok to not enter 5d feeling v. happy. Its ok to say … “Oh, I dont know… ”
You are all just going to tumble thru anyway, and come as you are…
Not feeling so happy… feeling “I dont know about all this…”…
You will fall thru into your own MAGNIFICENCE.
2015 no more clearing.
Wow! That’s the most encouraging information I’ve read. I sure hope things smooth out quickly. Like Savannah, I’ve been having to sort of ration my time – low energy, “touchy” nervous system, etc. Maybe it’s not just my age!
Thank you Trisha for sharing your notes! (My computer doesn’t handle videos very well.)
Happy New Year, everyone.
It is definitely not age B.J. It is what is up on planet earth for sure. So ready to move beyond any limitation. Matt tends to be quite accurate in my experience. I heard others say something vaguely similar about 2014 but years ago I had heard 2015 is the turning point. Of course, each of us is on a unique timeline so I take all of this with a grain of salt. Hang in there and enjoy the backside of 2014.
Bj, Thrisa and Savannah happy new Year and thank you for Matt Kahn. I love you angles.
Happy New year to you dear one. Hope the energy has shifted for you.
love to you too savannah