On weight and creating:
Last night I dreamt my stomach was completely flat. I woke up surprised it wasn’t yet. But I understand. I know that I seemingly needed the weight to stick the old earth with all its toxic corruption, competitiveness, separation, greed. With a level of toxic beliefs and conditioning within, no wonder I didn’t want to stick it here.
Here in the energetics of the new Earth the weight is simply dropping off. It’s been a long journey but now I know that this desire is complete. Simply waiting for it to show up in form.
This body is now almost 80 pounds lighter than it used to be. Envisioning it about a bit less than 50 more to be restored to my natural body. I give it no thought because I know it’s already done.
Some of my intentions I have not yet accessed full embodiment and the knowing that they are here, that they are done despite all evidence to the contrary. With two of my deepest visions I know they are done even though at the level of form, i lack evidence. With two others I have not yet accessed that level of knowing. I used to scramble after them and make myself wrong trying to fix and change myself. Now I choose to love myself no matter what and wait for divine right timing. So much easier for this nervous system to do it that way. So much more peace, so much more relaxed.