Recently did a circle devoted to the theme of power and super enjoyed it. Here is one significant thing I noticed. I have a strong desire that feels a little Pollyanna to have power distributed across the globe equally, along with resources and specifically dinero/ money. What I am noticing is because this is not the case yet, in subtle and overt ways I have felt guilty when I had money and this is also one reason, although not the main reason I have not claimed wider power. I feel very strongly this is my year to claim power and made it word of the year. Not power of, rather power with and for.
Super jazzed after the circle to be curious how this will organically arrive and what I will be able to do with it. Similar process with money. I have subtly rejected money, felt it was dirty etc. I notice many people feel ashamed if they have a lot, even enough, and guilty if they don’t, wow double bind! Perfect way to keep power away from those I would like to have it.
While I know money is exiting and has been and still is highly associated with slavery in my mind, as in some countries/ people have so little and are enslaved by poverty and most people are not able to live the lives of their dreams as they are enslaved by debt. I know many “light-workers” have been so debilitated with the physicality of waking up to our inherent nature that they often are in suboptimal situations relative to money.
I am ready to change my relationship with both power and money. Since exploring my relationship with money in a circle devoted to that topic, I have been dating money yet so far the relationship is still a bit choppy. A play in progress. One thing I know for sure, the power of love is here now for me and seems to expand daily, fueling my desire for heaven on earth. Thank you Wim for bring this song to my attention.