I could not agree more with the post below!! Joy is where it is at! Day six of the joy experiment is going fabulously yet so much is happening, doesn’t currently feel joyful to take the time to write it down. Some key points: I am choosing to slow wayyyyyyy downnnnnn and choosing to focus on finding the enjoyment in every moment. So had to slow down when I saw myself rushing to make my brunch before facilitating my group; even preparing the food has to be met in Presence. The other huge thing was seeing that it was time to shift one of the key components of my work as part of the process of cellular memory release. So literally in the middle of the Wild Hearts group, with zero prior knowledge, i facilitated a session in a completely new way with no plan or idea of how exactly I would do it. I simply set my intent and away we go! whoopee! I so love what I do and marvel that I also get paid for it! What a ride!
p.s. and one more clue, I literally have no idea what is up with the election. I am so new to the full-on joy game, I am being informed to keep my attention there and not let it waver. I notice how peaceful I feel, how sweet the warm sun feels on this cool day. And please don’t clue me in to the results, I will be guided to any information I need.
Every time you feel gratitude, you feel the joy of being alive, or you feel love for the smallest thing, happening, or experience, you broadcast it at the speed of Love (which is the speed of light squared) to every other living being.
Your feeling point becomes an expanding wave that touches everyone. So if you have any responsibility it is to have these heart feelings and by all ways that are in your choices, to do so.
Your (Our) joy is having a huge effect on changes that are afoot.
I kid you not, for so many of us actually see it and feel it all about us.
So as we each feel and express our joy with everything, even while watching the playing out of the old reality in this final act, or allow it to move through our body as thought, emotion, and sensation, we are creating a tonal wave of Love that Magnifies the New Energies, that are now ignited, and we ground them in the New Earth Dream for all HUmanity.
Expect some rapid and amazing new opportunities to manifest very soon, one after the other. You (We) are creating it.
Your joy is the guarantee that it is being created.
Shine On Beloved Creators
I So Love You