This current intense energy may have many of us facing some rather gnarly inner demons. I know a core false identity has surfaced for me. When the body gets involved and screams DANGER DANGER, it can be hard to keep on pressing forward, to stay with whatever is arising without numbing out with drugs, alcohol, entertainment, projecting upset on others or whatever else seems to take the edge off. It may not be easy to simply notice, allow and ultimately fully embrace ,say yes to the discomfort and trust absolutely there is a gift waiting to be unwrapped. The physical sensations seem to demand attention and relief. Yet they are a limited part of self coming up for resurrection. An old part is dying and begging to be saved. Egoo may ooze out crying for mercy, that we save this old twisted shape of a life. Trauma often cause us to shape-shift and then build a limited life to protect this distorted being. We are like stealth planes trying to go undetected through our lives, making them small enough to escape notice. I don’t know about you but I say ENOUGH! I am ready to face whatever has seemed to create a small, protected life, that seemed to need an outside source so i could limp along. ENOUGH. I become the incredible hulk so that I am vast enough to hold whatever sorrow weeps at this door. I Trust this inner spaciousness to envelop this ancient grief and finally say yes, I am here for you, yes, I will not abandon you, yes, I will stick by you and protect your innocence and those of all your relationships. When the body intensity creates temporary amnesia and all bets are off but the present moment which may feel unsurvivable, dig deep my beloveds. We got this, now to Trust that!