Yesterday in my “A Course of Love” group we were on Day 13. Not surprisingly, it was on being Spacious enough to contain all. In particular right now there is one person that I see as sort of the epitome of “evil,” a lovely dastardly character wonderfully playing for the world stage the bad guy, the ruthless, Machiavellian, greedy, heartless b*stard. Until I joined with my miracle buddy, I did not feel spacious enough to envelope him in my love. And it is not the character many focus their rejection on, him I actually find adorable. This guy is more two faced.
Here’s the thing, after the joining with my buddy and the group, I woke up this morning feeling vast enough to no longer feel deeply disturbed by this man’s attempt to manipulate and control on a global level. I WAS able to hold him in my spacious embrace, freeing me and him. Only Love can answer hate. It is so tempting to hate companies, countries, politicians, that do not promote the common good. I’d do it if i thought it would work and yes sometimes rage/ anger sweeps through me and I allow it gracious (on a good day)pass through. Yet hate, war, against simply empowers the others side, keeps us locked stepped in duality, playing an endless game. Only in the Zero point field do we discover freedom and liberation to our own hearts.