.I just had the chance to join with my beloved miracle buddy Tiina. I was feeling heavy and dark, a shadow of anger and helplessness was present in the Now, I did my best to allow it yet what I have come to know is that sometimes the energy feels like more then I can contain. One of the greatest blessings in my life has ben and is having others of like heart/ consciousness hold with me. I am ever expanding my own capacity to hod greater levels of intense energies arising from the shadows. As I do so, the capacity to Know mySelf as Love also continues to expand.
Yet sometimes, like when 11 years ago I initially learned of “dark” forces that are not intent on earthkind’s highest good, I used to feel overwhelm and, even despair. I was shocked to know there were people, companies that would deliberately mess with our well being for control, greed,. As I learned about chemtrails, bank manipulation, you name it it was difficult to accept and hold. I honor each of you who choose to fight these forces who are not for the common good. As I was writing this a friend sent me information about the destructive nature of the 5G technology. It felt too much and I had to allow waves of grief and anger. I did not and do not makes these energies something I need to get rid of, rather something I become ever more vast and spacious to hold in the zero point. I have real eyesed very clearly is that my role is not to “fight” but rather to Love. What I have discovered through direct experience is if I fight anything within me, resit anything it grows in power and strength,. What you resist persists.
For me this is also true on a global scale. What I love gets integrated. So my beloved sister and I joined with all the forces of “darkness”, all those that seemingly wish harm to earthkind. I truly felt I could not do it alone and was so gratified she saw her role, our role similarly. Together we held 5G, forced vaccinations, environmental destruction, individuals like BG, DT and others with Love.
This to me is the only answer that will ultimately work eternally. This answer brings this heart back to peace. The vision for my role is becoming so spacious that I can hold the entire planet with all its beauty and grief. I know leaders like Tolle and Byron Katie are doing just that. They are against nothing and live such joyful, peaceful lives. A few of my friends want to dump the human aspect of self, live above it all, not touched by humanity. That does not makes sense to me. My wasband is from Austria and used to hate being Austrian. Hello, not helpful. We are human AND divine. I am here to Love, hold, accept, allow it all. From that place there is nothing we cannot do. We are infinite creators and we can use the power of our wild hearts to create as we wish.
Here is the miracle. It felt unbearable, as so many times this being human gig has felt intolerable to me. To reach one end of the spiritual path and see that no matter how far one goes individually, there is so much we cannot control, nor “protect ” ourselves or loved ones. There have been moments when it felt literally unbearable. Yet with a lot of help from my friends, I have learned to not just hold it but to come to peace with it, to become spaciousness to hold it all in the zero point field. I know many are angry, justifiably so. They want to fight, attack, annihilate the forces of “darkness.” I understand and do have to allow rage and grief to pass through me. Yet this is what has been revealed to me, what I know from direct experience. To fight is to empower, to give energy to. War on anything just creates more against energy and does not take us as a species to the peace we all desire. One person in particular had me up in arms. My dear sister and I joined to include ALL that are seemingly of the dark. We thanked them for playing those difficult roles and we blessed them freeing them from these roles and welcoming them back to the light of Love. NOTHING is more powerful. This is is where our power lies. I love my friend Franco for making this point over and over, we do not get free by fighting. I honor those of you who are fighting this injustice yet I know my role is different and so inspiring. It is to bring together more of us into the light of Love and let our wild hearts creating this new earth through inspiration that tells us moment to moment what to do, say, write. The energy is of Source and is infinitely creative. I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for the role you each play. With my sister Tiina and so many other friends, family that have held me when I was too weak, too tired, too afraid to go on, I come back into the zero point from where all things are possible. Beloveds, I welcome you to join me there and I thank each of you who have held with me to straighten this heart to Love it all.