tenderness re-parenting the planet

Yesterday I had a vision where my dear friend and sparkle heart buddy Alex and I were re-parenting the planet in tenderness. Everyone I have ever known, including my own parents, were small children being raised in tenderness and compassion. I saw this blessing transforming the entire planet into a planet founded in love, compassion, equality and freedom. It was glorious!
Later my beloved miracle buddy Tiina helped me see that a very young part of me still hoped I could change certain circumstances, wounds of childhood. I had to allow a very deep grief and surrender all my plans, hopes, desires and admit they might never happen.
Earlier my sister Raffaella had lead me into an experience of what would happen if one of my worst fears unfolded and I would let go of all specialness, attachment, entanglement and end up permanently alone. I had to face that and it felt like it would be huge. Instead, I dropped into flat land for about a minute, void, emptiness for a few minutes and then was surprised and delighted to drop into a profound feeling of Unity, All ONe. It was so liberating!
Yesterday I had to surrender a deep desire that seemed it would never work out, come to fruition, to let it go felt like sacrifice but the way was clear. I placed all my desires in the hands of the Mystery and said, do with them as you will. I accept that I have no control, no power here. I accept what is to happen next. Today I awoke to a miracle that exceeded my dream. I already love this holiday yet now this heart is brimming with even more to be grateful for. Not in my wildest dreams could I have imagined what unfolded. I await the further unfolding pf Divine will. May we all have the courage to surrender personal will and await the commands of the Universe.

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