Right now one of the powerful dynamics playing out is Divine Masculine and Feminine seeking balance. This will impact all our lives. I sure see it in my own. Yes, ultimately there is no masculine, no feminine only the One yet at the level of form this seems to occur. There is a sacred fire at play that is simply seeking balance.
For too long we have pointed the finger rather than gotten on knees and begged to be shown how to end the war within, the ancient separation playing out in so much destruction. It can be messy and painful yet it is leading us back home to Eden. I said yesterday I intend to live in Eden, heaven on earth and in almost all ways, I already do. One of the single most important element is this:
“When you meet anyone remember it is a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you will treat yourself. As you think of him you will think of yourself. Never forget this, for in him you will find yourself, or lose yourself. (T-8.III.4). ”
We simply must get that. Yet to do so we have had to slog through the density of the ego thought system to reveal enough inner spaciousness to be able to hold when the shit hits the fan. This one has been going through this very process. dropping the dross of projection or blame while needing to hold, to stand strong as ancient patterns play out on both sides of the sexes hurdling the blame/ shame game. Yet at the bottom each side is trying to reveal to the other that which remains unseen. Each has gifts to offer yet our tender broken hearts recoil from the boon. To stand our ground and not leave the room when the old conditioning rears its ugly head, not easy. Yet this is what is required! Can we see each other as inherently beautiful, innocent, perfect while at the same time sharing what we know to be true, what we simply know must come alive for there to be peace on earth? Many are creating their own little pockets of Eden until finally the unity of the One will spin enough webs until they connect again and our only question will be, how may I serve you?
And this for a Gift from Gaia: “…This begins in understanding our life force, our energy and therefore how this energy has become separated, the Masculine and Feminine within us, Feminine being the wisdom, the guidance, the powerful manifestions come from within and She will get the attention of the Masculine inside us all as this energy has for aeons avoided “her” guidance. This war between the opposing forces continues until it’s spent, until the masculine surrenders and the two can reunite and unify. The Feminine requires the full attention of the masculine within to action the requests and it is only at this point that the light way begins to show, that things move with ease, because there is simply no more conflict within which means there is no longer a need to see conflict out there, and as conflict dissolves what is left is simply blindness, unknowing, blank spaces ready to be filled with light, which they will, now we move at light speed….”