blessings and earth angels

Today’s earth angle is Paulette. My juicy heart sister and I were having lunch and just totally loving on each other, staring in to each other’s eyes, wiggling around, dancing in our chairs, celebrating our joys, speaking our challenges, listening intently with our hearts. This one was uttering a few choice curse words to demonstrate her new technique for loosening all entanglements. In other words, we were having a blast, a love fest. I wondered at one point what ideas others might have about us. Well I found out. Paulette bumped into me as I was leaving and told me that she had so enjoyed watching us and could totally feel the love between us. She said it moved her deeply and was such a blessing. This to me is how we heal the earth, loving one another and watching the ripples circle the globe. I was so touched that Paulette extended herself to tell me her experience.

recent photo of my heart sister Kim and me

Image may contain: night
Image may contain: Savannah Hanson and Kim Snyder, people smiling, people standing, ocean, sky, outdoor and water

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