On owning our True Selves:
I am witnessing the miracles unfolding within using the intensity as rocket fuel for awakening. Yet I have to bow to my TTC family because it has taken a year of hearing the same message over and over, laid on a foundation of decades of seeking, to continue to find at ever more definitive levels mySelf. Nothing compares because everything else is ephemeral, time bound. I witness how a seeming obstacle, something a year ago might have blown me away into major upset is now the greatest gift. When someone close to me accused me of error, particularly because it is a way the ego thought system had masqueraded as me for so long with unskillful, thoughtless behavior, I see I was pulled into debating my own inherent goodness! What?!? I guarantee you we are all doing it which is why we get so pissed off at people and need to project it outward because it feels too toxic to hold. So when this close friend accused me and threatened our long term relationship, it stopped me in my tracks. At first I kept cycling within with self blame and judgment, wondering if the accusation had any truth to it the whole time ignoring that the Truth is true and nothing else is true. If your like me, this was a fun phrase I bantered around without it actually sinking in. My internal debate about whether I was in error was totally off track and lucky I have my miracle buddies and the whole TTC family holding me in absolute innocence for an entire year. That does not mean I am not interested in my friends feedback and seeing if some adjustments in behavior are in order. The question is about our core being, can our core Being be in error, no! Is there something wrong with us, no! Not sure I can convey this in words but perhaps you can get the flavor of this. That was enough to pull me out of the gap of the separated mind and dive within to the obstacle holding that lie in place and found mySelf in a new way. I am sure it is just the tip of the iceberg and can’t wait to own this Truth more fully. I write all this dear friends because I certainly know I am not alone in this misidentification. IF you are suffering it is for one reason only, you forgot the Truth of who you are. I have vowed to see all as innocent and trust me there is no better way to find our own God given innocence then to see it in others. No clue if any of this will land but had to share from my heart to yours.