I had a very interesting experience that aligns with this. Yesterday at a coffee shop I saw an older woman who looked depleted, exhausted, discouraged. I remembered the teach from AWOM? that says we will begin to see what people need and merely supply it without effort. So, without looking at her, I sent her renewing energy. As soon as I stopped, this woman turned to me and engaged me in a very animated discussion, clearly revealing to me that a true energy exchange had occurred. I have thankfully given up my role as world savior, sweet relief, yet gladly embrace the joy of being a miracle worker.
August 2 2018
” One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do. ” Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The whole world is tinderbox dry, parched or up in flames. There are conflagrations breaking out everywhere – literally , politically and personally- that are crying out to be doused with cooling water, space, peace and healing. In front of our eyes, Mars and Uranus are burning to a cinder denial narratives about the reality of climate change .
And August ‘s extreme astrology will fan the flames. Fire burns. It calcifies. It reduces the past to ashes. Dust to dust. And only then does it purify and alchemise the dross into gold. On a planetary level, it is the Fire of Creation – the Evolutionary Burn and nothing less than a global reset to factory settings. An initiation of the first magnitude.
The solar eclipse at 18 Leo next week is bookended by Uranus turning retrograde on August 7th, by the 8/8 Lion’s Gate and by Mercury and Mars turning Direct on August 19th and 27th. Adding even more volatility all 3 inner planets -Mercury, Mars and Venus -are at Max all month.
This is the start of several years when Fierce Grace will be our only survival medicine through Re-connection, Resistance, Resilience and ,ultimately, Regeneration.
And yes, it is beyond hard, painful, frightening and uncomfortable. No wonder some people want to believe that a Rescue Wave is coming to “save” us, rather than facing and staying with what is. Isn’t it time to see through the growing numbers of snake oil “spiritual” salespeople trying to cash in on turmoil and anxiety by masquerading as “ascension” guides offering “Meet your Ancient Self to learn your Future”? We no longer need the manufactured drama of waiting for the Big Event -we have enough drama here and now needing our attention.
Those of us who are sensitives know that we are already whole , that life is unfolding according to its intelligent pattern and its great cycles of cosmic timing and that paying attention to bogus drama is an avoidance strategy
Be at the beck and call of your soul, not the beck and call of the new age market place and the 3D cravings of your monkey mind for ” The Answer “.
Beautiful art by Annelie Solis.
To get a bigger perspective on August’s Leo eclipse, sign up to my latest 5D Report:”Dancing in the Flames” on my website: