Moving Beyond Fear to Creating our Dreams
Introduction to Cellular Memory Integration
* embody cellular memory
* transmute limiting beliefs
* clear old trauma
* explore tools for activating our dreams
* rewire neural nets in brain
Sierra Center for Spiritual Living
119 Florence Ave, Grass Valley, California 95945 Please Park at the back of the Vet’s Hall parking lot on 255 S. Auburn St. in GV and follow the path to Florence Ave
February 6, 2017 6:30-8:30 p.m. $20
Savannah Hanson, M.A., MFT #40422
Cellular Memory Release Practitioner
to register: (530) 575-5052 or
What to do with difficult emotions
February 15, 2017 4:30 p.m.
help for when we feel sad, mad, bad
riding the tiger of our emotions
becoming emotional wizards
discovering the magic and power locked in our emotions
why cry?
NEO, 139 Joerschke Dr., Grass Valley, CA 95945
Savannah Hanson, M.A., MFT #40422
Cellular Memory Release Practitioner
The Union health columnist Savannah Hanson will offer an Introduction to Cellular Memory Integration. The class is called Moving Beyond Fear to Wholeness and will be Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center at the end of the month.
Hanson, who is a therapist and teacher, said the class will be about learning to release physical and emotional toxicity caused by old conditioning, trauma and stress stored in cellular memory.
“Remembering our true nature as love and thus ending the internal suffering and separation within is our most sacred opportunity. Yet a fierce guardian stands at the gateway leading home: fear. Fear shape shifts into many forms from depression, to scarcity, to anxiety, to co-dependency. Yet by befriending our challenging emotions and embracing what arises in the body, we slip into the spaciousness of our hearts,” Hanson said. “Our embodied awareness bypasses mind and brings forth incredible wisdom, reconnecting us to tremendous self love and freedom. By taking the first step and welcoming whatever wounded parts mascaraed as monsters we can move beyond fear until we rest in the joy of our own innocence,” she continued.
“Through diving into our own presence, we can discover the incredible wisdom stored there to heal and transform limitations and stuck patterns. Then by examining and release limiting beliefs, and loving ourselves regardless of what is occurring in our lives, we open to a spaciousness that reduces and ultimately, eliminates suffering,” Hanson added. “By breaking up reactive patterns stored in cellular memory, we access incredible wisdom and can begin to learn to choose love over fear in every moment.”
The class will begin to explore these topics with specific tools from Cellular Memory Release, Matt Kahn’s love revolution and processes designed to help one remember their own inherent Divine nature. The class is October 26, 6:30 -8:30 p.m. Cost is $30.
If you would like to meet Savannah to try a free mini session or have a complementary short consultation, she will be part of the Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center’s health fair October 22, from 1-5 p.m. The fair offers a variety of other healers and practitioners’ work to sample for free with a suggested entry donation of $5 which includes five raffle tickets. Unity in the Gold Country is at 180 Cambridge Ct, Grass Valley, California 95945.
For more information or to register, contact Savannah Hanson, M.A., MFT #40422 at or 530-575-5052. Or visit
Disharmony in the home creates stress, sadness and hurt feelings. Many parents feel at wits ends how to restore peace to their relationship wit their children or how to utilize appropriate boundaries and discipline. Yet when we become conscious of reactive patterns within our relationships, we can begin to actually use the discord as a red flag leading to greater inner freedom through dismantling the charge locked in cellular memory. As we use daily triggers to defuse
internal bombs of unconsciousness, very often the child’s behavior shifts in radical ways, leading to increased intimacy, harmony and love. This class will begin to explore these topics with specific tools and insights creating a potential paradigm shift in the concept of parenting itself.
Savannah Hanson brings two decades of experience as a therapist, school counselor and health practitioner to helping resolve parenting challenges, stopping the chain of pain and increasing family harmony and intimacy. She uses techniques and practices such as Cellular Memory Release, EFT, Matt Kahn’s Love revolution, and teachings from “A Course in Miracles” to help answer difficult questions and decrease conflict. By restoring ourselves to wholeness first, we can support our children in remaining their authentic selves.
Introduction:Tuesday, October 11, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM �
Cost: $30 or
Full series: six Tuesdays October 11- November 15, cost $145
CONTACT: Savannah Hanson, M.A., MFT #40422
To register:
or 530-575-5052��
Cellular Memory Release Practitioner
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 at 6 PM – 9 PM
Cult of Gemini
156 Mill St, Grass Valley, California 95945
Begin to learn how to move beyond fear by understanding how to release toxicity and old conditioning stored in cellular memory. Through diving into your own presence, discover the incredible wisdom stored there to heal and transform limitations and stuck patterns. Examine and release limiting beliefs, suffering and pain. Move beyond anxiety and depression while beginning to remember how to love yourself completely. Restore yourself to the certainty of your own magnificence just for the joy of it.
Earlybird $25 by Feb 15
Regular $30
Day of $35
Conscious Parenting for Harmonious Children and Families
Tuesday, March 8at 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
The Nest, 107 West Main Street, Suite B Grass Valley, CA
Many children today come in with a very powerful sense of themselves and clear determination about what is right for them. This often leads to conflict within families as parents may battle for control. Disharmony in the home creates stress, sadness and hurt feelings. Many parents feel at wits ends how to restore peace to their relationship wit their children or how to utilize appropriate boundaries and discipline. Yet when we become conscious of reactive patterns within our relationships, we can begin to actually use the discord as a red flag leading to greater inner freedom through dismantling the charge locked in cellular memory. As we use daily triggers to defuse internal bombs of unconsciousness, very often the child’s behavior shifts in radical ways leading to increased intimacy, harmony and love. This class will begin to explore these topics with specific tools and insights creating a potential paradigm shift in the concept of parenting itself.
Cost: $20
CONTACT Savannah Hanson
Savannah Hanson, M.A., MFT #40422
Cellular Memory Release Practitioner
history of loving, 2015
Shift your relationship with your children from conflict to harmony and love. Use the challenges that arise as stepping stones to greater consciousness and wholeness for ourselves and our children.
Open to anyone who spends time with children and teens.
Six week class Begins Tuesday October 20, 2013 6:30-8PM $132 for the series Contact Savannah Hanson, MFT 575-50562 Savannah@
Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center
180 Cambridge Ct, Grass Valley, California 95945
Self Love as the Antidote for Anxiety, Depression and Suffering
The instability of so many outer circumstances in our lives may be triggering greater anxiety, depression or suffering than ever. It is sometimes difficult to navigate these uncertain times as so many face numerous challenges.
Savannah Hanson brings over 20 years of personal and professional experience as a therapist to moving beyond suffering. Pulling from many sources including the work of Matt Kahn, The Way of Mastery, and Cellular Memory Release she presents an overview of how to restore ourselves to our natural joy and fall back in love with ourselves. Learn a few critical, simple, life changing tools drawn from her professional training and personal experience of healing her own life long debilitating anxiety.
Class is June 23, 2015 from 6-8 p.m. at a private home in Penn Valley.
Cost is sliding scale $20-25. For questions, registration and/or location contact Savannah at: or 530-575-5052.
Savannah Hanson, M.A., MFT #40422
Cellular Memory Release Practitioner
Teaching emotional intelligence; Emotional Education for children- a parent guide
Society in general does not provide a foundation for emotionally educating ourselves or our children yet lack of such awareness can cause untold suffering. When we understand emotions are messengers letting us know both what brings us joy and where we are out of balance, we learn to respect and recognize the value of our feelings. By learning to love and honor ourselves and our own emotions, we can greet our children’s feelings with neutrality and support, guiding them to move through their emotions rather then repressing or inappropriately expressing them and thus storing them in cellular memory. Such stored emotions create maladaptive and dysfunctional behavioral and emotional patterns leading to unhappy lives, poor decision making and even ill health. By training children and teens how to be present to their emotions, much conditioning with commensurate pain, sorrow and false beliefs can be avoided, ending the intergenerational chain of pain and creating greater space for joy. Along with an overview of emotional education, simple tools will be explored and practiced leading to greater presence, self love and aliveness for ourselves and our children.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015 6-8 p.m.
Yuba River Charter School
505 Main Street, Nevada City, CA
(530) 575-5052
Savannah Hanson, M.A., MFT #40422
Cellular Memory Release Practitioner
Third Monday, Sept. 15 – Dec. 15, 2014 6:00 pm
Our dreams are the fire that fuels our lives! Without vision and passion, our time here on Earth loses color and meaning. Yet committing to our aspirations can be scary. This course will be an introductory look at a way to concretely pull in our heartfelt yearnings. To reach these dreams, we will explore specific techniques to develop a strategy to maximize one’s chances of realizing one’s hopes. Each person will create a project with specific action steps to move her toward her desires.
Once one commits to a specific goal, anything that obstructs the realization of that outcome is likely to arise. We will spend time learning basic skills to be with any challenges.
Savannah Hanson brings 20 years of experience as a healer, including Cellular Release Practitioner, and therapist in addition to her own experience of completing a number of life dreams, including traveling around the world, owning her dream home, harmonizing her family life, living a life where she is free to do exactly as she desires almost all of the time and learning to love herself.
The circle will be the third Monday of the month, at 6 pm for four months. The first circle was in September. The circle will close after October 20th. Classes will be held in Penn Valley, CA.