I continued to find many interesting things in the Butterflies are Free to Fly E book buterfliesfree.com however I have many reservations and only recommend it if you are one who can sort through and just pick out what is interesting. The first part is very scientific and mental and I know can put people to sleep. The second part is much more interesting and parts of the third section. There were many things that did not sit right with me, some of which were major. In fact I had a rather unpleasant day yesterday. I felt bored, indifferent, uninterested in anything, totally flat about life, without any passion or desire. I later (this morning) realized it was partially from reading that book and picking up the energy from it. It has so many fascinating concepts and helped me identify and begin to release some core limiting beliefs, especially about money. However I experienced it as rather mental, not very heart centered (he would perhaps say I am just a Player playing my role either with resistance, opinions and beliefs or not) and with major concepts that left me feeling very limited and uncomfortable. Mind you, this is obviously my take on his material and others might experience it very differently. I felt uncomfortable with his saying we are totally separate from what he calls the Infinite I. He says we do not have a higher self, soul etc if I got it right. He also says he is hesitant to go the distance into “enlightenment” because he does not know what will happen to his relationships and, as best as I could tell, fears he might become indifferent to them. Here is where I totally disagree. For me the ultimate arrival is back to our natures as Love, ending the internal separation our egos throw up from that eternal nature. My entire life is based on the certainty WE ARE LOVE and this whole “journey” is recovering the knowledge of our true self and ending the internal separation from Source. Yes, the deeper I go down the rabbit hole the more I understand attachments are not the stuff of True Love yet rather are ego’s favorite trick of keeping us stuck in separation offering us the carrot of the special relationship when that inherently prevents us from remembering our wholeness, our being as Love. He does not mention Love or separation, in fact he says we are not One. He has a lot of facts to back up his theory. I have “only” my gut and my experience, my heart yet that is enough for me. So that is how it affected me but I agree with the Buddha, see what feels true for yourself.
Now to the topic of attachment and what I am ever more deeply recognizing. This may sound silly yet a couple of incidents I witnessed within an hour helped bring my awareness home of how attaching to desire can cause discomfort. I was in a linen store buying a bathroom rug when the woman ahead of me was inquiring about a special they were running of two for one. She wanted to get two of something she had already purchased and, despite repeated explanations, would not let go of her attachment to that idea and accept that what she had was not part of the special. Then I went to Starbuck’s and heard the ladies ahead of me tell the server it was exactly 5pm so they wanted the two for one special that began at that time. There followed much discussion and agitation about what was included on the special. They finally got their drinks. She then offered me the special which I tried to take advantage of but no matter what I offered to my companions as the extra drink either they did not want it or it was not on the special so I began to feel agitated and thought, forget it. Another woman with two kids argued back and forth about the special, not understanding she could either get one free drink and buy the other two or with the second purchased drink, get a second free drink. She argued why she had to pay for two drinks, why she would want to get two free drinks which would add up to four drinks, why she would not buy drinks for all three of them, why the server insulted them by thinking they only wanted two drinks etc. They finally offered her two free drinks with her one purchased one and off she sailed, taking my drink in tow by mistake. By now I had to laugh to see how absurd the whole thing was over a “free” drink. The cost of those drinks was a lot of upset and agitation. I talked to the servers, thanking them for remaining calm, and they offered ME two free drinks and a free cookie probably because I remained calm and polite.
OK, as you can tell I am jumping all over the place so let’s jump here now. This morning I read an old post of mine:
which snapped me out of the energy of the Ebook and returned me to my personal values, understanding, purpose. Now I feel so much better. So read the book if you wish, decide for yourself what works and what does not. For me, over time experience and my feelings guide me to what feels good, what does not, what opens my heart to joy and peace, what closes it. This is my guide and the deliciousness of residing in that heart space is proof enough for me. I leave all the scientific evidence to others to make of as they will.
I want to mention one more example from one of my greatest teachers, insomnia and sleep. I have come to recognize how much the MIND determines how tired I am. Years ago I had very bad insomnia and it taught me to stop my fear based thoughts so I could fall asleep. I love sleep so this was a powerful motivator. Lately I have recognized how, on the nights I get minimal sleep, if I start worrying about being tired, think God, how will I get through the day, I am tired. If I attach to getting a certain amount of sleep in order to not be tired, I am always right. If I have no thought of how much sleep I need to feel rested, I am also right and do fine with the amount of sleep I do get. If I have no thoughts about it, just get up and go about my day, I am much less tired. Try it and see for yourself.
OK, here is what Butterflies are Free to Fly says about attachment and the process of being free. For me it is a lot of good information:
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