Yesterday I had the great privilege of spending time with such an open hearted man. He truly inspires me and opens my own heart to ever greater depths of love and compassion. His enthusiasm and hope fill the room when I am with him. His eyes sparkle with gratitude. You may or may not be surprised to know I meet him at our local prison/ jail where we study
“The Way of Mastery” together. I cried after I ended our visit as I am crying now to think of him locked up for an indefinite time. I am so inspired by how European counties such as Finland and Portugal are taking what to me is a more humane approach to drug addiction and poverty. Although I have been volunteering only a few weeks, it is clear the majority of inmates are there for addiction, poverty or mental illness. I ask you to join me in envisioning a world where we treat these problems at the root not at the level of symptoms, giving everyone a real chance to live their own dream and offer their gifts. If all of us held that vision for only a second, I know the world would change.