I feel my free fall fear of last weekend woke me up to the biggest piece I was missing around abundance. I have taught abundance classes but still missed this critical awareness. I have had three or four big issues in my life and this feels like the one where I remain most stuck, others have mostly wholed. I was always trying to solve the money problem in the 3D world, earning money, investments, ideas, whatever while inside always holding on to the scarcity fear. I am absolutely aware that this is a big one that affect my family of origin for whatever reason, doesn’t matter, even though I had lots of $ as kid, dad a doctor, and lived a very comfortable life always. Still such big fear. I know it is ancestral, past life, whatever. But the fear last weekend was so intense it blasted me to the full awareness I had the whole thing ass backwards. I was trying to resolve it in external reality while keeping the same inner limitations. ENOUGH and END.
Since July increasing abundance is showing up. Still not income but gifts, free things, discounts, free services, free meals, free courses etc. Every time I go to town I get something, a discount, a gift, a free service. I also just got 20% more likes this week on my professional page then I had gotten in the previous 9 months since I created it. It is getting so miraculous. I am in awe and in DEEP gratitude. I BOW. I now see myself as an abundance master. That is my story and I am sticking to it whatever 3D may choose to throw in my way to the contrary.