not taking it personally

So here is how the full moon/ eclipse affected me. I had a day of such peace, a day of euphoria and that has been followed my numerous opportunities to heal some remaining wounds. I feel like I have the big stuff cleared out of all my energy centers accept the sacral chakra, lots coming up there. Still dealing with survival issues knocking me around but blew some others out of the water. In particular, I am super clear that it is really silly and false to take others’ behavior personally. I really see that everything that hurt me in the past was just people being who they are with their own conditioning and wounds. This may sound like a small thing but for me it is freeing me of a sadness that has haunted me for years. The main result is that I experiencing an inner triumph as I am able to stay rooted in my own loving and did not take anything personally that others do. In fact I often now laugh. I also often sense exactly what is the underlying motivation for other’s behavior. I often see why they are acting in unskillful ways. It is truly liberating, the answer to many prayers.
“As ego is no longer fueled by labeling behavior as wrong, it’s as if there is a lack of interest in correcting others, or condemning yourself as a more harmonious witness begins to view your life from within the spaciousness of body. From this space, it’s not as if you relinquish the need to control in a moment of spiritual triumph. Instead, you tend to forget about the control you’ve never actually had.
As ego runs out of things to oppose and loses track of beliefs in control, it becomes progressively more difficult to make the behavior of others about you. Instead, how others treat you can be seen as a response to their own unresolved pain or echoes of emotional turmoil. You may not feel motivated to offer love to them, but you may not also be as deeply-wounded or troubled by their behavior or even your response. Oftentimes the reason why you may not notice these subtle shifts in internal orientation is due to the fact that your unraveling ego is often the one who patrols your energy field in search of the very changes that begin to surface in the absence of the one who yearns for it. Simply put, the one who waits for the arrival of change dissolves as change appears.”Matt Kahn…
I am noticing my sacral chakra is highly activated and pushing up survival fears big time. At the same time I am clear it all really is for the highest good. Not enjoying it but oh yea, I get it. I am praying each of you is finding your own inner calm, safety and self love. I must say it is a delight to adore myself, no matter what.

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