May Faire wreath, such a sweet school faire today.I have been down for the count with food poisoning and other challenges. Hoping your passage through these interesting times has been more graceful then mine but I am hearing a lot of people are very challenged. I certainly understand and send a giant love wave of support and encouragement. Hang in there loves. Keep the faith even when everything seems to be going wrong and there is no relief in sight. Spend time in nature, take Epson salt baths, be as gentle with yourself as possible, Love yourself no matter what and know so many hearts are equally experiencing difficulties. Know you are not alone. It certainly may not seem like it yet all is well. Sending so much love.
Love to you, too! Big hug. Hope you’ve recovered from the food poisoning – that’s so miserable! Take good care of yourself….♥️
Thanks love, it was very rough and scary but solo much better now, feel human again. xoxoxoxoxo