love ourselves through all triggers and pain- Ian

I love this from Ian Michael Ferguson in the True Divine Nature community. It seems that for many of us it is difficult to be consistent with our self love and all too easy to believe that others have it better then we do. It is easy to become discourage when the triggers seem endless and perhaps the pain disappears only to reappear later maybe even more strongly. Loves, this is the journey of awakening. I love to remind myself that reistance only prolongs the pain. Lately I remember to allow what is arising more frequently with less resistance and to love the one that sometimes forgets. 
Ian Ferguson
Yesterday at 10:21am ·
Recently, Matt talked about it in his most recent energetic update post the process of emptying out and how we lose judgement of the oscillation of the opposites, “the polarity” of existence.
It’s the “emptying out” phase where we experience the highs and lows and empty out leaving us with no attachment to either. Entering 5D conciousness requires us to be free of judging one end of polarity as better than another. The Universe is doing it’s work. Nothing to do but love ourselves through it. Whether I am saddened by others posts, or experiencing my own sadness and pain there is naught for me to do but to love myself more and more.
I realized for myself I hadn’t been actually doing the “I Love You’s” with consistency. It took a dear friend telling me of a peak terror experience in prison where he was physically attacked and able to love himself through it to realize how I myself hadn’t been actually truly loving myself. I had been trying to numb or escape what felt like endless negativity. I realized that I was just so sick of it, so sick of the pain and misery that I felt like I didn’t need to just love myself anymore, that I should be done, that I had earned a reprieve. Well, the Universe thought differently.
So I just started loving myself whenever I thought of it, using my own triggers and others as a reminder to love myself more than before. Just over and over. It has really helped increase my peace. That said, I’m still experiencing many of the same external “triggers” and not getting my way. I’m just more loving with myself through the experience and it makes it lighter some how.
I have had a lot of joy and fun during my life too, I know though how when I’m caught in pain it seems like an inescapable labyrinth of darkness. I have amnesia of the joy I’ve experienced. I’ve certainly experienced, as those who know me well know, a tremendous amount of suffering and trauma in my life. Many people it seems, if I fall into the trap of comparison, “have it better” far more of the time. That just isn’t my journey and more and more I surrender into my own experience and just loving myself. I hope this is some sort of help or key for others. I love you all.

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