letting go of what no longer serves

n 1994 I was woken up from a sound sleep with the bed shaking. First, I thought it was turbulence and that I was still on the plane flying back from Europe. Once I realized what it was, and was unable to wake up my boyfriend, I had to decide what to do. the actual earthquake was quite the experience. To have the one thing I/ you thought I/you could count on shift, which is the ground under y/our feet being stable, was quite unsettling to the psyche and the nervous system.
Afterwards, I addictively watch TV seeing the same few miles of tragedy shared endlessly. I became more and more traumatized even though I could look out the window and see that there was hardly any damage where I lived maybe 20 or 39 miles away. I finally stopped watching television forever
Last night I was doing the same thing scanning the photos of LA over and over on Facebook. It took me a while to figure out how I was traumatizing myself and stop, but I still hardly slept. Where do choose to put my attention?
I know I’m going to have to change my relationship to Facebook; that’s obvious even though I’m not finding it easy.
And I am so delighted by the response of several of my friends who are in LA. One in particular sees the blessing. I’m so glad she’s able to share that with me and while I intellectually understand it, it’s not landing in the body.
 I imagine I’m not alone in feeling rocked by some of what’s happening in the world. I imagine I’m not alone having it bring up issues of safety and diminishing Lifeforce. If this is you, I send you my love. If this is you I send you my prayers.
And yes, I’m absolutely aware that I have some unhealed first chakra issues. Not finding it easy to stay embodied with all of this. Not finding it easy to have great compassion for this part of myself.
 I often have observed sensitives can be canaries in the coal mine. How crazy that we feel ashamed for how we feel that we don’t know quite how to adjust to a world that both can contains great beauty, but also great toxicity.
ultimately, I know that the game is to jump out of all of this and simply know the truth. Play in progress.  yes a burning.
May be an image of fire, foundry and hearth

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