For me, parenting truly is a heroic task. Trying to raise young ones knowing that our wounds, trauma, conditioning will influence those beautiful innocent beings is not for the faint of heart. Yet I felt very uplifted reading this in the book, the journey of the heroic parent, author, Brad Reedy, from Tian Dayton:
“Our children don’t become who we tell them to be, they become who we are. They live in their unspoken and sometimes unfelt emotional world. Much parenting is implicit rather than explicit, which is why children become who we are rather than who we tell them to be… Our children drink us up like sponges… Each moment we are parenting or, for that matter, living in front of our children, we are showing them what we want them to become… The family is the family… Tending to our relationships, our personal lives, and our bodies are all the right thing to do, not only for us, but for our kids.”