preparing for the influx of Light

Beloveds, the energy of light is on the move, preparing us for the next activation. Who knows what’s possible with all this light streaming in?
According to Amanda Lorence we are being prepared for our next level of path, Service. I certainly felt that last night as three of us came together in love to support the knowing of who we truly are through Connection intimacy, love, restoration, invincibility. For so long I have had this vision and yearning of such gatherings supporting the highest versions of each of us.To have it land in physical reality is a dream come true.
I would love to hear what dreams of yours are coming true. I support each of us in finding our hearts’ desire.
May be an image of 2 people and people smiling
Just to explain, that my consciousness gives DATA in many different ways, both in the daytime as well as whilst sleeping. When my consciousness REALLY wants the ‘Mandy Avatar’ to take ABSOLUTE NOTICE of specific data being of more importance than other data, my consciousness wakes me up at night by either: the LOUD sound of a doorbell ringing or the LOUD sound of knocking at the door.
Last night I was woken up by THREE door knocks. So loud it woke me. Followed by my consciousness telling me: I will take the next THREE DAYS to INWARDLY prepare. Note: it said INWARDLY, so nothing of outward practical prep. The three days being 16, 17, 18 February 2024. I was then aware a NEW TIMELINE PERIOD (of God/Source Greater Design / The Bigger Picture Design) then BEGINS on Monday 19 February 2024.
Since autumn last year, I have had knowledge of a PARTICULAR timeline humanity collectively moves into. But I also know it needs to emerge, develop, unfold, play out, uniquely for everyone. To be experienced within humanity at many various levels of consciousness and THUS different experiences within the whole collective. And so I know not to share it in advance. As some will experience/perceive the timeline period FROM a human avatar PERSONALITY viewpoint, others will experience with the vast array of awakened influences, and some will view and be aware of The Divine God Source DESIGN. But the start of that particular timeline I was shown (last year) that would COME, I now know begins on 19th February 2024. We each experience everything, as per our OWN unique design.
There is a MID POINT within this said Timeline. At the mid point, roles change. How long this timeline is I am not certain of. Whilst I have 2 ideas of the Timeline length, I will NEVER guess. And so, this data, although EXTREMELY significant is also a ‘vague’ type of sharing to you.
I share in case it means something for you. For these next THREE days of INWARD BEING. And that there is a timeline period previously known to me, that shall begin to unfold from 19th February onwards. Knowing we are each within our own uniquely perfect design, at our own consciousness level and are having vast, individual experiences. Whilst ALL are within the vaster design of God’s Dream, that shall keep unfolding.
Just as a different side note:
Every year, on 22 February, a LIGHT LAYER activates for the Collective. This is NOT a Gateway. It’s a vast and complex LAYER of LIGHTED COMPLEX DESIGN. The combination of light, it’s geometrical arrangement and multiple internal layer frequencies creates it’s EFFECT. Each year it is a different Light Layer. It takes a few days after it’s emergence, and being focused WITH IT, to know what the complexity of the LIGHT LAYER and it’s overall FREQUENCY translates as (how we can describe it using human linear words). Last year’s Light Layer was the emergence of ‘GRACE’, as an effect, to embody, which I shared with you last year after 22 February 2023. When the 22 February LIGHT LAYER emerges, it stays. For all of humanity, if they choose to align in their own frequency alignment to said Light Layer. There is always some sort of lower hertz density worldwide ‘escalation’ of some sort (as distraction), prior to or just after, a 22 February LIGHT LAYER opening.
So, a lot is going to unfold, yet all by each one’s own and UNIQUE perceptional experience. One moment at a time…Where all are loved.
With Love always,
Amanda Lorence
16 February 2024”

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