celebrating being human

About a decade ago I heard myself speak a belief that I didn’t feel supported. For about a year and a half every day I posted an earth angel and I was always on the lookout for them presto-chango I now know I am powerfully supported
So now doing the same with shifting the belief About not celebrating being human. I’m going to start tracking all the ways I love being human. I love the smell of Daphne and hyacinth, I love the beauty of Christmas cactuses. I love the sound of gentle rain I adore, intimate conversations, hugs, deep friendship, I love chatting with people I am meeting for the first time including Darien at the grocery store today I love waterfalls oceans dolphins. I enjoy swimming in natural water. I deeply enjoy seeing the Rice fields down in the valley. I love clouds and sunsets. There are so much incredible beauty throughout the world. I do enjoy a good glass of wine and delicious food of all ethnicities or I should say many. I enjoy Joy contemplation silence hugging my on rocks, and the bear earth. 
I love little adventures going to new places. I enjoy seeing great dancing. I celebrate art and beauty wherever I find it. I’m entranced by the intricacy of nature.
I used to adore international travel, but now I’m maybe even more satisfied by little trips in the surroundings. Lake Tahoe makes my heart sing as do some local waterfalls just seeing the ocean I feel deeply grateful even remembering the Vista at the beach in Malibu I smile. 
I adore Circling and tea, groups, meeting, new friends and having profound connections, although sometimes it can be quite uncomfortable, I absolutely adore getting to know a person, intimately and deeply. 
I’m fascinated by becoming ever more aware of how to create in the quantum field. I love connecting to others from a pure heart space. I celebrate exploring the vast emptiness. I adore, witnessing all the holy relationships I see around me and the handful I have myself 

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