I usually don’t wear make up or take many photos of myself anymore. I used to be totally obsessed with Photos. I noticed around my birthday I have a desire to look better and younger. I notice more attention to the wrinkles. I noticed taking more pictures to make sure one looks good. I noticed celebrating all of it. Why the heaven not?
There is a small part of me that feels a bit sad about this. I heard women talking in the gym about the work they’ve had done. I celebrate anybody who makes that choice but I noticed that there’s still a standard that makes me more aware if my body doesn’t fit in if my face has more wrinkles than I see in movies. When I see British shows I almost fall over because the people look human. Their weights are large or small their faces are wrinkled or not, in other words they look like people I see in town, people I might know. When I look at American shows everybody looks like they weigh 99 pounds soaking wet or they spent half their life at the gym and the other half at the Plastic surgeons. Just saying.