Want to share two simple but powerful Joys. Now this may sound incredibly simple yet for me to go out find the little residue patch of stinging nettle, pick it, Bring it home and prepare it is somehow miraculous for me. First because two years ago I’d never heard of stinging nettle.
Last year felt like if I prepared it wrong I would keel over. This year so grateful to be eating miners lettuce that grows naturally at the foot of my favorite tree friend Hercules, to make stinging nettle soup even though I only had half the ingredients called for and winged it is totally nothing short of miraculous for me.
Second Joy is coming from an experience called T group. Again I met my new friend who I’ve only known for days And felt such a powerful connection enjoy. The group initially felt a bit disjointed but in the end it felt like a completely unified field. I asked this morning to have the siddhi of one of my prime Gene keys revealed to me about beauty. At the end of the group the man said beauty and my entire system lit up. He used it to refer to an experience that it had been uncomfortable yet he called it beautiful. Afterwards my new friend left me a short message that had bubbles of champagne pleasure percolating from the belly up through the throat. Again a minor miracle.
Particularly relevant because I’ve been trying to discover how to get a new computer since mine will not turn on and off. That energy for me creates a discord because I feel Inadequate to the task in someways. Allowing that to pass through and to be there and to welcome the discomfort, dare I call it the third wondrous Joy?