It’s my sense that many of us will be having an altered relationship with divine masculine. Can feel it anchoring in the system more and more.
For so many years I used my relationships with men to anchor myself, to ground onto earth. I used men to heal a very distorted relationship with a very influential male figure in my life, with the masculine. I certainly came by those distortions honestly so it’s all good. Most of all for so long I used men to convince myself I was loved. Codependency ruled my life ( Voice activation choose ruined my life for so long But that is not a true statement for me. Codependency was simply an energetics that needed to be passed through. )
The only one I want to name now is my wasband georg Who held an energetics line as i careened and ricocheted all over the place trying to find love and belonging. After my marriage dissolved I chose to take a hiatus from men for eight years and that was an incredibly wise choice for me.
And then I got into a relationship with a man who thankfully was 2/3 away across the continent from me. He supported me in so many ways in accessing higher levels of awareness. And then he gave me an incredible gift. Painting it in black-and-white I saw how I’d been willing to betray the human to gain spiritual knowledge or awareness. This relationship gave me the opportunity to say no more. No more self abuse and self abandonment in the name of spirituality. What a gift.
Lately I’ve been tracking a relationship with a man that was puzzling me. I could tell I was doing something but I couldn’t tell what or why. Strange dynamics would arise within me until I finally realized I was trying to access the divine masculine through his field. I got to watch different dynamics play out. I have it that we often do this with each other and that it’s a service our souls agreed to. But some of the dynamics were really kind of bizarre and inexplicable to me. I’m imagining he wasn’t aware of many of them or maybe even all of them. Kind of fun to play a game where I’m the only player even though there’s other people on the board. can literally feel how he helped me through his presence access more divine masculine. Yahoo.
Just mentioning this because I have the feeling there’s a lot of shaking and rocking and rolling going on in relationships. I imagine it sometimes is not pretty. Luckily for me this was pretty graceful and I’m not sure the other person was even aware of what was happening. Play in progress to download even more of the divine masculine. And I suspect that others may be accessing my field in support of the divine feminine. If so, I celebrate.
The image below portrays my direct experience. Thank you Morgan Lee for this.
After writing this I went to find a hat to go for my walk and came across the gloves pictured below. I literally have tears in my eyes as I write this. I thought I had lost one of them. I received them decades ago on a train to or from Machu Pichuo (or as voice activation likes to call it Majka Pizza) I can’t remember which. I hadn’t realized how cold it would be and I met a Peruvian man on the train. At some point he gave me his gloves and told me I could take them with me for the rest of my trip. We ended up hanging out going out to dinner and so on when we got back in Cusco. It’s decades later, and his kindness is moving powerfully through my heart in the now.